
She died recently. :c

Actually, I'd say the biggest problem with DS9's first couple seasons is that it's too much like TNG.They didn't have enough faith in their ability to tell character-driven stories so there are lots of quantum anomalies and weird forehead aliens and all the other sort of ridiculous wheel-spinning plots that TNGs last

Does this mean you haven't seen Fury Road yet? Go watch Fury Road! Seriously, we'll wait.

Yeah, just give her a gnarly mask or maybe some disfiguring makeup and no one will even recognize her.

Goetz himself appears to disagree with you. The rest of the article is a little more nuanced, but I've always gotten the impression that Goetz is a little bit funny in the head.

The promotion for Death Wish 3 actually featured a number of cynical (and absolutely tasteless) attempt to cash in on the Goetz case. It's absurd and vaguely offensive to promote such a ridiculous violent fantasy as having anything to say about real social issues, but Golan and Globus were never known for their taste

So are we still supposed to be mad about her kinda maybe supporting the LTTE, or did that turn out to not be a thing? Seriously asking, because I honestly don't think I've thought about MIA in like five years.

So are we still supposed to be mad about her kinda maybe supporting the LTTE, or did that turn out to not be a thing? Seriously asking, because I honestly don't think I've thought about MIA in like five years.

Also, we've all been led to believe you guys fucking love Fosters beer, which is a hurtful and demeaning stereotype if I ever heard one.

No it's not. No one actually banned it. She made the video while under contract. The company she contracted with decided they'd rather shelve the video than release it. That's their right, and stuff like this happens in entertainment all the time. You can disagree with their decision, but that's a different matter.

Part of this is regional/cultural, I think and class is a huge factor as well. Where I live, a working class town in Southern California, mixed-race couples are fairly common and a lot of the school kids don't fit easily into any particular box. My street has black, latino, and anglo families all living on the same

That comment was legit racist, btw.

Also, not everyone who wears one belongs to some weird internet tribe (ditto neckbeards, though I still can't defend them). It just seems like a lazy and hateful stereotype.

It's a seriously weird adaptation. The book is all about using the power of science and rationality to overcome adversity and then the movie is this surrealist mystical nightmare. Makes you wonder if anyone actually read the damn thing. Also, I seem to recall the scene in the book with deadly harvester/tilling

The Battlestar reboot deserves a lot of credit for this. There have been a number of attempts to recapture the old Star Trek magic since Berman and Braga ran the franchise aground in the late 90s, but they tended to be either
hokey and low-budget, overly niche, or tragically short-lived. Battlestar made spaceships

Well Farscape (itself something of a long intro contender), did kind of borrow its premise.

New York would have better parking.

I never said anything about wars or holocausts. I think you are a crazy person.

Whereas I just came to the sudden realization that I actually kind of hate that song. Honestly, I never knew. :c

Too late, I already called "Exposed Midi Riffs" for my unproduced techno-chiptune album.