I'd be down with that. I kind of hate Chris Pine. Kirk was the guy who, at the end of most episodes, told a bad joke and gave a little knowing smile. Why does Pine's Kirk have to be so damn brooding and serious?
I'd be down with that. I kind of hate Chris Pine. Kirk was the guy who, at the end of most episodes, told a bad joke and gave a little knowing smile. Why does Pine's Kirk have to be so damn brooding and serious?
Yeah, humor has always been one of JJ's weaknesses. It makes me worry about his Star Wars.
Yeah, those are probably the cream of the crop, but there's at least a dozen more that are mediocre, but enjoyable. General rule for making it through these seasons: skip all episodes with "Wesley," "Ferengi," or "Prime Directive" in the description. Skip all "planet of hats" episodes (African warrior world, woman…
Only like a quarter of the original Trek episodes pitted the crew against a worthy adversary like the Klingons and even some of those didn't feature any of the ship-to-ship combat so common in the later series and movies. Most of the time, they were either trying to solve a mystery (Who is Landrew? Where is Spock's…
I'm also fond of the Horta (it's just protecting it's eggs) and the Salt Monster (last of its kind…), both of which are straight out of a matinee creature feature and, not coincidentally, rack up some of the highest redshirt body counts in all of Trek.
I hadn't heard that about Tatyana. I hope they follow through.
Well it's perfect in a way, because it actually makes a strange amount of sense. "What happened to Jonas?" is one of the biggest mysteries in the show, along with "who is the boys' (or Rusty's) mother?" and "why does The Monarch hate Dr Venture?" I tend to believe that there are answers to these questions, and it…
The best one is probably St. Cloud showing up at the tag sale in the first season, getting one line about "Buffy's own Sarah Michelle Gell-ar" and then coming back as recurring character four seasons later. I'm still waiting for the plug-face guy to get his spotlight episode.
Uh, there's the time Dr. Girlfriend thought Kim was a supervillain, a brief moment at Sgt. Hatred's house party where Dr. G and an (unnamed?) villainess play the post-it game, and the women in the Dr Quimm episode probably talked about something besides the Ventures at some point, right? Right? All in all though, this…
I think some more female characters would do a lot for the show — preferably including a couple that aren't voiced by men.
It's implied that Billy was only invited because of his medical skills. I'm not sure Pete's expertise at playing video games and whining was really relevant. Plus this episode had a ton of characters as it is. I don't blame them for sidelining a few.
I don't know, I thought that was something of a wrong note. I mean, it's a neat reference, but the hell does it have to do with the Investors as characters?
Only the main complex and the outbuildings burned down. There could still be stuff left underground. I can totally see there being one last episode where they go to rebuild the compound and dig up something big that's been hidden all this time.
I loved those lines. Yet another thing Rusty is deluded about.
There is JJ's unexplained meeting with the Investors and those guys were magic,so there's still a chance that this is all an elaborate fakeout. I kind of doubt it, but someone else suggested that maybe he's turned into a villain and there's a long comic tradition of "dead" heros coming back as villains, so it's still…
I don't know, first person stealth, provided that there's a well-calibrated stealth meter or the like, has some distinct advantages. First and foremost, it gets around the ridiculousness of guards being oblivious to you even though you're standing right fucking in front of them. It's much easier to believe in the…
The original KOTOR has a huge issue that players should try to be aware of which is that, about a third of the way through the game, you become a Jedi and switch from having your best weapon be ranged (blasters) to having it be melee (lightsabers). If you went all-in on being a shooty person early on, then you'll…
I actually had the opposite problem with FO3. Too much of the game's content seemed hidden off-to-the-side somewhere. I did a lot of wandering in that game (in every game, really), but on my first play through, I never found the Republic of Dave, the violinist with a radio station, or even Tenpenny Tower. If you don't…
Oh right, I'd forgotten that. Too bad. the Wrex sequences in the later games are great.
I don't know, there are definitely some areas where you Don't Belong if you're not on a quest, but other parts of NV, like Jacobstown, Quarry Junction, Camp Searchlight, and many of the various little caves and homesteads you come across, are there for the finding and have quests once you get there, but don't require…