La Lucha

Honestly, I think it's more Mohd bashing than anything.


Finally! Kevin Love's time to shine!

So the movie doesn't actually have a gremlin in a tie and sports coat, huh?

Come on. Who doesn't want to see four paragraphs devoted to a 1-second mention of Ambush Bug?

Wait… there was a miscarriage storyline?

Too optimistic, clearly.

No, I agree with you. Steve Whitmire is doing a fine job, but Jim Henson was a true creative genius and knew how to invest the right craziness or pathos that have not since been replicated. And it has a lot to do with the fact that, well, Jim Henson IS Kermit… not just playing a character, but investing his own self

It's because you don't throw yourself into traffic. You do that, they'll nod their heads and go, "Ohhhhh… I get it!"

Maybe you should get a more feminine online handle!

Damn it, now I'm never going to hear the "Battle Hymn" without mentally replacing "Scrawler, you're a weirdo" at the end.

Incorrect! There was also Lego Star Wars: Eps 1-3, which for some reason I enjoyed way more than Eps 4-6. Maybe it was because the movies themselves were built like video game cut sequences.

Oh, M:I2 was memorable. Those dumb John Woo doves and wire fighting with motorcycles is playing in a horrible loop in my mind to torture me to the end of my days.

Hurt Locker 2… SWAT 2….

Maybe we get a Werner Herzog cameo, though.

That was Fairly Legal, actually.

Right, and Star Trek was cancelled about a decade before the Muppet Show took to screen as well. But, yeah, it is a parody of a parody. Still, Dr. Evil was so much not like Ernst Blofeld (he was pretty much his own character, really) that I think it could work.

I don't know. The original Muppet Show did parody Star Trek, among other things, so it's not like that sort of thing is beyond them.

I'm no big fan of Manhattan (it's probably my least favorite; Frank Oz is a little too cynical for my tastes sometimes), but that movie did introduce the world to the Muppet Babies, and that might knock it up a notch for me. They were far cuter in this incarnation (with the original Muppeteer voices!) than on the

Did they ever get Chad Ochocinco on this show? Because the best part is that they had a pretty transparent stand in for Terrell Owens (named T.K.), and then had the actual TO show up for a cameo.