
…..oh my god.

I really don't know what people expect. It's like this every year. They aren't getting Meryl Streep anytime soon. With that being said, yeah this is a strange bunch, especially for the tenth anniversary. But I will still watch because I am weak.

I don’t know whats more unrealistic, that no maid or servant or anyone found Oliver in the highly secure Queen mansion, or that he plugged in the USB correctly the first time.

Every episode makes me miss Tommy.

"That disguise wouldn't work even if you smeared grease paint on your face."
Is that a challenge Maseo?

I want one of those so badly. I need to turn into a metahuman stat.

Someone should get the Doctor to talk to Barry about the dangers of messing with time. Does he watch t.v. at all? YOU DON'T DO IT!

Yeah I kind of felt that way too. I know it was supposed to be cute, but it didn't feel right. Barry is slowly slipping into douche bag territory with regards to his romantic life and it's scaring me. We already have Oliver for that.

They are bringing Nightwing to the live action Teen Titans show.

I want her to join the team so badly!

Why is Dig not out in the field anymore? He is the most trained out of all of them including Oliver. It just seems crazy to me that Laurel is out there, while Dig sits in the foundry with Felicity.

Cisco is kind of a badass. I wasn't expecting those moves. I'm impressed.

"Limit her field of vision."

I loved Cisco on the most recent episode. It was a whole new side of him. I appreciate that they are making him more than just the comic relief.

Roy has been great this season. I feel like he finally fits.

Speaking of wigs, Oliver's flashback wig? Someone burn it.

I've been curious since the beginning as to why Barry is a forensic scientist and Iris works at a coffee shop. Did she not go to college? It was hinted at that she wanted to be a police officer but Joe wouldn't let her. Did she not have any other career paths she was interested in? I agree that they should have

"I failed this city."
No Harrison wrong show. You are on the spin-off! The spin-off!

I kind of agree. I think it's great to bring this up in a children's show, and I completely support the idea of it. But I wish we could have had more development in their relationship. I know we didn't really have time, but it would have helped me personally. And I probably would have been more excited about it. But

Speaking of Iroh, Iroh II showed up to the party, sounding like Zuko which still really throws me off.