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    Only 30? Holy Moses you're extremely young.

    It depends on the game you're playing and the resolution you're playing at. One example is the game called Crysis 3. Now there's a colossal difference in the graphics between then and now. Obviously if you don't see much of a difference then may I recommend you have your eyeballs examined.

    The angles weren't any good on that particular fight. Abrams didn't do a very good job there.

    She's an adopted child of Luke who happened to have parents who were force users.

    Snoke was fairly okay although he wasn't good by any stretch but there is certainly a lot of potential with this villain. Perhaps his appearance within the next installment may be vastly improved considering the fact that there has been a lot of negative feedback about the villains in this film. I'm almost certain the

    The scene at the end kind of reflects that - it felt a bit cheesy and a blatant way to say "to be continued…". As a standalone film it doesn't hold up. Perhaps if they approached this film much in the same way as George Lucas did ANH when he was uncertain he was able to make another one then it certainly would have

    That shit turned out to be quite a nice looking kind of shit.

    The duel between Finn and the stormtrooper was actually pretty good. It felt tense and real.

    Kathleen Kennedy has stated that she will be one of the returning cast.

    No doubt for this season you have to concentrate hard and listen properly to each conversation that plays out otherwise you end up missing on a fair bit. Sometimes the actors just mumble the words so it's difficult to make out what on earth they are saying the first time round.

    Not easy to admit getting an orgasm each time he says "Khaleesi" with such perfection.

    You're right. Bolton's voice is the most sexy manly voice I have ever heard. It's pure and it's flawless. It's tone is soothing and intimidating. It's the voice you'd obey without hesitation. It's the voice of command and charisma. Edwyn Collin's comes a close second.

    Jurassic World 2: Muldoon's Back And He's Ready To Kick Some Dino ASS…..And Die AGAIN

    Isn't Jurassic Planet technically the same as Jurassic World?

    "Ryan Reynolds is a garbage person."

    Doesn't matter. Both are annoying.

    Shaven or non-shaven Reynolds?

    To be honest I thought the assistant's death was a little unjustified. She didn't appear in enough scenes to warrant such a glorious death that had a buildup lasting 10 minutes.


    Die Antwoord should be Bruce Willis' parallel universe movie set in South Africa.