
Bugsy Siegel is the one that tried to assassinate Gyp Rosetti in season 3. Works for Lanksy and Luciano.

What about that tremendous overhead shot?

Nelson "George Mueller" Van Alden "I used to believe in God but now I don't believe in anything"?!

Know what I watched yesterday with Christopher Lee in it?

I am hoping and *praying* for Agent Knox's demise.

That's true, a lot of machine gunning went down last week. The pace of the episodes moved rather slowly, though, no?

Paul Sagorsky's monologue about shooting that young girl was ill.

$50,000! $75,000!

I'm watching The Sopranos now and it was the voice that finally gave it away.

I've seen the whole series but I actually watched One Minute earlier today in a series rewatch. The reason I brought that up is because it showed the twins as children and a much younger Hector Salamanca.

I just noticed he was Junior from The Sopranos tonight.

I'm a huge sucker for origin stories.

but, we're going to California! Roy?! Roy Livingston?!!

Easily the weirdest episode of Boardwalk to date! At first I was like, this is so weird what is happening here, but I agree with you it really grew on me.

Maybe they'll change gears on us and offer a quiet, subtle, Mad Men season 1 style ending? Leave everyone just scratching their heads.

I have to put something in the report, they're bound to find out.

Split pea?

I think the best episode this season was Erlkonig. My favorite episode to date may have been the season 2 finale To The Lost… maybe.

Does that come in a cup, or bowl? Excuse me miss?

What is the soup du jour?