
I thought the last couple have been a little slow (I believe I even replied to you on here with a similar comment a few episodes back), but I thought the beginning of the season, hell even the first half of the season was cooking so I'm pretty interested to see how they wrap things up next week. Boardwalk always has

Who has sent you grim visaged thugees?

Oh, hey, I brought you some Ben & Jerrys. I didn't know what kind you liked so I brought them both.

Todd! Yeah there are some similarities there, but Todd was even more creep-o.

More than anyone else this season I am hoping and praying for his demise. C'mon, Eli!

I'm hoping the next time gangsters line up to shoot out a crowded room Agent Knox is in there, I frickin' hate that guy!

I've never done business with a woman before.

poor Georgie.

Makes you wonder if Van Alden passed the Capones test since the Italians sent in their own guys. Tune in next week.

My name is Nelson Van Alden. Take off your nightgown!

I used to believe in God, but now I don't believe in anything at all!

I have to agree though. The last few have been so strong and this one seemed a little stagnant.

I really hope Eli isn't thinking what I'm thinking he's thinking, Eli noooooooooooooooo

I really hope Eli isn't thinking what I'm thinking he's thinking, Eli noooooooooooooooo

I'm not sure when that happened either. I heard Chalky call him Butch in the car and I was like, Dunn?

peace out Butch.

I hope I amused you, Jim. I'll get on those land fraud cases, right away!

I guess that's true, I was thinking more along the lines of drawn out camera shots on naked women.

Boobwalk Empire.

I'm surprised this recap didn't mention the gratuitous amounts of sex *even* for an episode of Boardwalk Empire.