
I won't call any one a savage. I will wonder how they have contained their rage at the disgusting treatment metted out by the police, courts, schools, and every other institution I can think of. I will think that anyone who looked could have seen this coming. I will weep at the loss of life, the fear I will have for

Some day, Black people will have been pushed too far. And the white people will wonder why. I say this as a white person, btw. I fear for a country that can allow a goodhearted family man to be murdered in cold blood. With no consequence. Why am I never called to these juries?


I guess becuse if i could buy really good steak, i wouldnt wreck it. Its metaphoric: he has access to all the best, but destroys it.

My granny wore it. I have a love/hate relationship with no. 5. Sometimes I'll take a wiff, just because I miss her.but never wearing it!

Me, too. But it was more about them not providing adequate clothes, and not tolerating any whining or backtalk, ever. So instead, they just taught me to like being cold. However, i now like being warm, and smfh that my kids, whom i provide for, act like this.

My white kids are never cold. I force them to carry jackets, attached to the outside of their backpacks, so that, as my then 5 year old son explaind, "people will know we have a good mommy". As for shorts and sandels, those magically disapear in the fall. Poof. No arguing required, just pre emptive parenting. I dont

Even white girls know the magic of fixing a plate. Thats how we knew granma was really mad at grandpa. She would make him get his own plate. Not really, though. He was 70. He didnt know how to fix a plate anymore. One of us grand children would swing into action.