Rusty Kuntz

It was a pretty good episode all in all and I don't really understand how someone gets to review episodes of South Park on a platform as large as AV Club and is somehow unfamiliar with Bill Hicks (who with Twain and Vonnegut are the trinity of American social commentators [have to make it a foursome and throw in

Thank you so much for this excellent distillation of some of Vonnegut's stuff. He is easily my favorite writer of fiction and is someone with pretty much unimpeachable morals. My favorite is the Eugene Debs quote he often drops about human solidarity and also his Eulogy for Humanist Society president Isaac Asimov (I'm

How could anyone think early South Park is better. As I was 18 when it premiered, and have watched it from the beginning, it's not like I'm some kid saying this. Nostalgia is a disease that causes the glorification of an idealized past never really existed. That's why it's the lowest form of conversation and you'd