Terry Johnson

Actually all sins are against God, because He is the one who laid down the law. King David (you can look in secular history to grasp his reign) understood this in his writings, especially in Psalm 51. It is not a "hall-pass", it is the truth that his shed blood on the cross washed away all of a person's sins, not just

Actually believing in Jesus throughout my life is a blessing, knowing that my sins are forgiven, knowing that the Bible is true, knowing that I can live a joyful exciting life. And if I'm wrong I haven't lost anything. But if you are wrong, look at what you lose for eternity. As it has often been said, "For the

That is like saying all casino games are the same or offer the same odds…but Keno has worse odds than taking/laying the odds at the Craps table (laying or taking the odds is an even bet, no casino advantage). The only reason to believe in a "religion" is because it is true. Atheism cannot be true if there is a "god".

No actually you have belief in God, not out of fear, but out of the fact that He loves mankind to deal with their sinfulness by sending His son Jesus to die on the cross to wash away their sins. If you examine your life…you have lied, told stories about others, made fun of others, lusted after others, probably stole

It has nothing to do with behavior….it has to do with forgiveness of sins…which each person is guilty of…of course if atheism is true, then you have no right to judge anyone's behavior as wrong…because the person with the biggest stick makes the rules..

Actually I don't have to abide by your rules…you are making statements of fact…back them up…or as I suppose you really can't, and you just like to cast aspersions…

So what do you believe…and why, you make the statement that "There is no god"….you cannot be sure of that….and when you die, what happens…and what if you are wrong? Atheism is a belief that has no actual rational basis for belief.

It still shows you haven't considered whether Jesus is the Son of God or not. Better yet, explain your theology and what you believe….

All I can say is "What if the Bible is true…what if Jesus is the way, the truth and the life….that no one gets to the Father but by Him….it sure seems that Israel and the Middle East are turning out to be what the Bible says they will be…A book that was written over a thousand years ago….you can make fun of Jesus, but