Bill C.

To you and Joshua: I admire the Libertarian party for supporting LGBT rights in 1972, but let's face it that stance was not going to impact legislation or election results because the party had no political clout at that time. You can truly speak your mind when there's nothing to gain or lose.

Dems may be too hawkish, but to say they aren't committed to maintaining civil liberties for people of color, LGBT and those living below the poverty level is utter bullshit.

The result is the same, so nope.

I remember when Barry's "Ernie Pook's Comeek" and Matt Groening's "Life In Hell" ruled the LA Weekly during the '80s. Barry deserves much more recognition.

The dancing is awesome, and I do like Mary even when screaming. But I can no longer tolerate Nigel's disingenuous favoritism. He's dug in on some truly dubious wannabees.

Emotional Rescue. Not even close to a top-tier Stones album, and I would never defend "Indian Girl" or "Where The Boys All Go". But I really enjoy its sound, thanks in large part to Charlie and Bill. Maybe the greatest rhythm section in rock history. Plus Mick is still singing like he's having fun. And "All About You"

I think it's worse than that. They'll let Trump's wrongdoings pass because having Hillary or some other Dem in the White House is worse for some reason. Better to circle the wagons, stick your head in the sand, look the other way or what ever other metaphor applies.

So, John Kelly can fire an overreaching underling like Scaramucci but still can't keep Trump from exclaiming common cause with white power thugs. Yet another "grown up" can only manage a wet fart when trying to treat Trump as anything less than a lunatic.

Eh. He's a bigoted tool, susceptible to any bs that reinforces white supremacist tropes.

Pretty sure Bannon, Miller and that Euro fascist with the fledgling British accent threatened to release the pee tape and records of Russian and Saudi collusion unless Trump gave cover to Spencer, Duke et.al.

VF has to be more embarrassed about dubbing Shia LeBouef "The New Kid" (or was it "The Right Stuff") before his Indy bomb.

"It's the Sign of the Times" by Harry Styles. It's "Hey Jude" for the Aeon of Horus (aka the Trump era).

I was really up for that album to resurrect my U2 fandom when it was first downloaded to my iTunes library. Then I heard Bono grunt on that primal wolf song and decided to wait a while longer before revisiting the catalog.

In deference to Alex Rocco, I would avoid massages. But if you have to at least keep your glasses on.

Didn't watch, but oh God oh man if the histrionics of Tough Guys Don't Dance aren't showcased there's no point.

I thought he was a little mean to Vin Diesel with the Fast and Furious crack. Granted, Diesel hasn't lived up to his Private Ryan potential as the next Lee Marvin, but did the Rock really save the franchise? He always reminds me of a pre-flab Hasslehoff.

If you're referring to Syd destroying his own paintings once they were finished I would agree.

Guess Cedric was being a fierce friend.

Roger Waters wrote "Julia Dream" to prove he was a better songwriter than Richard Wright who had just contributed "It Would Be So Nice." Which is funny since both songs are equally half-assed.

I don't know which is sadder, being lectured on race by an overgrown college conservative or sensing this is all driven by Steve Bannon's attempt to deflect guilt over letting his dad blow his savings. As always someone's personal grudge becomes our public burden.