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    Really? I have Charter and it lets me watch it. The next episode truly makes up for this weeks lackluster episode

    I agree, even TCW worst was better than most cartoons. Most shows on Disney, Nick, and CN are just awful nowadays. However, that isn't my argument. My argument is that most series tend to start slow and pickup. You are right. The visuals aren't nearly as impressive as Clone Wars, but Clone wars visuals got better

    It was bad. Ahsoka was annoying, droids made stupid, cringe-worthy puns, and was pretty childish feeling. It did pick up in later seasons though. I think we all wish clone wars would of got a proper ending. However, I feel like this show has started out stronger than clone wars. This episode is bad. But next

    Clone wars was pretty terrible at first as well. Got good around season 3

    This episode was bad . However, next week's episode is pretty sweet. I won't spoil anything, but we find out what happened to Luminara. It can be watched on Disney XD a week in advance of live broadcast. Provided you have a cable subscription.