Mark Pawelek

In a nuclear war, the vast majority of people to die are killed by the immediate effects of blasts, fires, and radiation pulses caused by fission and/or fusion explosions. A secondary effect over days and weeks will be death from wounds and radiation sickness suffered due to the blasts. The projected tertiary effect

Even today, BBC believe they're obliged to present balanced arguments when opinion impinges on news or current affairs. The vérité style makes 'The War Game' closer to current affairs than drama.

The vérité documentary mode is dishonest because many of the projections of nuclear war were disputed. There are 3 main harms associated with nuclear war: the immediate blast, projected radiation fallout, projected nuclear winter. Everyone agrees upon the harm caused by the initial blasts. We disagree upon the

There are a few issues here:
1. BBC are required, by their charter, to present balance.
2. The realist/documentary draws upon its presentation mode to present a false objectivity. If the ideas being presented are in dispute (as they certainly were) it's difficult for the BBC to justify this kind of film.
3. The film is