Khan Vitton Lulurouge

Delos’ plans are probably simply the sort of power hungry and megalomaniac shit you always expect big evil corporations to strive for in tv shows. They want to take the hosts outside the park in order to replace them with real persons. Change world leaders like politicians and entrepreneurs with hosts controlled by

I would have found it more reasonable if Maeve seduced the fuck out of those guys instead of blackmailing them. I mean it's Thandie Newton. Everyone would break the rules for her.

Glad to have Matt Smith back in a series.

The pairing was doomed to be awful from the beginning since the female half of it was, is and will always be awful.

I get that Grey's Anatomy doesn't primarily focus on the medical and ethical aspects of medicine like ER but seriously what the fuck was that scene?

I'm pretty sure purposely nicking an artery is bodily harm and not FUCKING TEACHING.

I don't believe for one second that the MiB raped Dolores at all. HBO was never reluctant in showing rape and all we see was him dragging her towards the barn. We never explicitly saw what happened there.

That's why I couldn't buy the second floor imagination with Lee. I don't doubt that Gordon does love her but she wouldn't be his ultimate wishful future. And Red Queen was supposed to show all your honest desires without denial.

I can't say I care that Gordon realizes that he still loves Lee. We all know it will always be Barbara deep down.

Oh god I cracked up at the CW description part.

Evan Rachel Wood is just marvelous whether in a dress or cowboy clothes. She's a joy to watch visually and emotionally getting the strongest response from me as a viewer.

I'm certain Marvel will be able to CGI him on screen once he's not physically there anymore.

Yeah disappointing ending to a disappointing second season half. The absurdity of Diamondback in his final showdown with Luke didn't make sense to me. What he only has conveniently one Judas bullet to kill Luke because of his cliché villain hubris and sold the rest to the police? Why even bothering with the frame Luke

All the characters are intriguing but it's too early to be invested in them. Yes there are some directions given like Dolores/Maeve/Teddy portrayed as 'nice' hosts and human assholes like Logan but you can't really point out a narrative with good guys vs bad guys right now.

Other than the fact that Diamondback is still idiotic as hell I really thought the show would do an exposition on Mariah coming out and developing as a Luke Cage villain after the severity of her moment killing Cottonmouth. But until now she's kept in the background as a sidekick rather than a big player moving the

Maybe the reviewer meant it as being emotionally involved with the characters and caring about their well being. With so many mysteries around and no plot forming yet I get what he means. You've not chosen 'sides' to root for yet.

That orgy scene did nothing for me and was probably desired by company executives to show that IT'S NOT TV IT'S HBO. Seeing that bird landing on Thandie Newton was more erotic than that weird golden orgy.

I hope Rebecca won't be going after Greg and now thinks she's in love with him only because Josh isn't what she thought he would be and Greg offers the perspective of that sweet romance she wants to be the center of.

I don't think that's the primary thing the producers aim for at this moment. Right now the curiosity about the mysteries and how that world operates is supposed to grab you the most. Not your sympathy or caring about its characters.

This whole episode was so badly written and Diamondback made no sense in his motivations and actions to me. It even got worse when they put in some Obama references that weren't even funny. 'Diet Barack Obama' and 'Yes we can' yeah we get it. Even Shades knows how dumb he is.