Khan Vitton Lulurouge

Ok Anezka's comment about Scott's penis size shocked me a little.

The only thing I enjoyed this episode was Claire being her usual awesome self. I rolled my eyes so hard when Diamondback went through the streets in that black hoodie screaming 'I am Luke Cage'.

Jonathan Nolan pretty much said this won't be a typical robots rebel show. So I knew they had to bring in mysteries and unknown narratives in order to be able to fill 5 seasons worth of storyline.

He definitely will. The look Dolores gave him after he killed that host speaks volumes.

Anthony Hopkins is still able to portray crazy menace so well that I really felt scared and creeped out through the screen. If I were really with him I would have shitted my pants and probably fainted. Nothing more scary than an 80 years old with god complex.

Between a short shock at Glenn's demise and disappointment that Carl is still living with intact arms I quickly reverted back to phlegmatic eye rolling about the dumb writing and display of useless pornographic violence for the sake of shock and gore.

Will he even be allowed to be a nuanced antagonist when it's a Marvel movie?

At least people here genuinely hate TWD and its shitty writing but still watch it anyway. Most other websites love it with such a ridiculous inability to see the braindead writing and seriously consider it a high tier quality show a la Mad Men and Breaking Bad. I bet they will prolong that stupid cliffhanger for at

“Love Kernels” tackling “Lemonade” and sounding like a female empowerment anthem by Beyonce while being about blandishing a man's dickhead behavior for love makes the irony so much funnier. Mirrors the situation between Josh and Rebecca completely. He's actually an awful person but instead it gets romanticized.

Scarlett Johansson first.

This episode was so dragging and boring as hell. Diamondback is just a weak villain. The way he handles business looks amateurish and no one can actually believe that he's the criminal mastermind in Harlem that not even Cottonmouth was allowed to speak with personally.

It's like a hidden rule in tv to have a woman struggle with the decision and then in the end she aborts with a 'heavy heart'. I get that they don't want to show abortion as a standard everyday decision you make so easily. But I feel like it's sending a condemning message towards females when you can only abort if you

Heidi is great. In combination with Cartman it's just hilarious.

CeCe keeps it coming. She has really grown from model bff to a completely independent character now. Hannah Simone has gotten so much better with timing and comical expressions when conveying gags and landing the punch line.

I thought HTGAWM was already a legal drama version of Grey's Anatomy. Racial diversely attractive people have sex at work while trying to do their jobs in law related matters.

Claire was bad ass when telling Misty off about either her incompetence or stupidity in handling Luke. I can't get her irrational anger and condemning of Luke and insistence that his vigilantism is the worst when she has experienced again and again what the legal systems lacks. Thank god Rosario Dawson is on the show.

Evan Rachel Wood is just perfection. Only 3 episodes and I'm already screaming the word emmy everytime she's on screen.

Holy shit I was all over it when Cottonmouth got beaten to death with the mic stand in front of the stage by Mariah. It's a really tragic moment for her because it happened out of utter desperation to venture all of her frustrations. Her mental breakdown afterwards not wanting to realize that she has crossed the line

Loved the premiere. Thank god Michael survived and even made a bad amnesia joke. What I also loved was that they didn't make Xo changing her mind about having a baby after discovering herself being pregnant. She meant it when she said she didn't want children anymore and I'm glad the show is letting her keeping her

The maze could be Arnold's stored consciousness enabling a host full autonomy when finding it. He realized that it needs an actual human consciousness to elevate the hosts into sentient being. Since the inner monologues as god's voice didn't work out he uploaded himself by becoming god. The 'accident' where he died