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    would that make their child "Milton" from Archer?

    Theories are that it's Dragonstone

    it's very much not a joke. I don't have a link, but Watchers on the Wall reported on it a couple days ago

    Oh god, so if Bran has "the mark" now and that let the White Walkers get thru the magical protections of that cave, does that mean if Bran goes thru the Wall that the Wall will no longer be magically protected as well? Will Bran be the downfall of the Wall??

    I think Justin Theroux should be the whipping boy for Lindelof in this case and be forced to use that hotel bathtub over and over…..

    actually, you're supposed to do it while breastfeeding, not while pregnant, you have no reason to be making milk yet while you're still pregnant

    I'm seriously confused how people and the reviewer aren't picking up on the fact that Dearing is dead. They had him go into the room with a gun on the table and Parkman's mind tricks made him pick up the gun, and the next time we see the room, they're carrying away a bunch of the plastic wrap stained red with blood.

    Ian McShane is taking the place of Carice VanHouten as Mellisandre. It's going to be far more awkward for everyone with him showing his tits every episode

    That's… not how any of this works… Danaerys didn't die and come back to life because she was on that pyre, she just never burnt. Jon has already been burnt by fire in season 1, showing he does not possess that particular Targaryen quality (not everyone does, her brother was burnt pretty darn well by that molten

    This is on Spike. I think that's a requirement of anything aired on Spike, commercials included

    I honestly can't believe they had the balls for that joke. Easily the highlight of the episode for me

    I'm curious if his powers first manifested at that event. Wasn't it a nice sunny day? Maybe the sun caused him to "explode" and he was able to survive it somehow, but didn't realize he was the cause of it. I'm also assuming he'll have to face off against that shadow girl at some point to have a light vs. dark faceoff

    Damn, I read it as being a "'Rocky Horror' filled Glee" and was hoping it was some good "F"-worthy material like that episode of Glee got, if I remember correctly.

    soooo. this grungy heroin addict is now the rightful king of Westeros?

    After the Red Wedding, no…. no, Tully is not still a thing

    In keeping with the tradition of these season finale titles, they've announced that episode 6.10 will be titled "Stone Hearts"

    umm, Sansa has already brought together Stark and Lannister. She's still married to Tyrion Lannister. And kinda wanted for regicide in the murder of a Lannister king so Littlefinger isn't going to give her up to the one family that wants her head more than anyone else

    It was so heartbreaking to see the Bolton sigil painted on the roof of Winterfell in the opening credits :-(

    What if the horrible thing that happens is that Ramsay does try to rape Sansa, but, unlike her last near-rape, she fights back and ends up castrating Ramsay during the act. This could serve as a sweet poetic justice for what he did to Theon/Reek

    So Tyrion finally figured out where whores went when he looked in a mirror…