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    I think John Cho is singlehandedly proving that Asian men can be sexy. He also popped up as the hot drug kingpin on The Mindy Project, and he was starting to get some action in the short-lived Go On just as it was canceled. And of course, the Harold and Kumar movies. I can't think of any other Asian male actor who has

    Yes! Simpsons-worthy line.

    I keep forgetting she's pregnant. I might see it if I was looking for it, but last night's episode didn't remind me.

    On a less insightful note, I thought it was hilarious how the tone shifted so abruptly to the PSA, then back to "cool with it" Amy hitting the stripper with the shovel, then back again to the very earnest PSA. In addition to the subtext/text that Twaii is talking about, I think this also gets at the hypocrisy of

    Really? That was the moment I lost all interest in Downton Abbey. The escalating ridiculousness (in particular, the criminal butler whose name is escaping me now) hit its peak when Matthew was like "My life is perfect! I can finally enjoy all the things I've been dreaming of for so many years! Now I'll just take a

    I just re-watched the season finale from last season, "Danny and Mindy," that scene in the bathroom where Mindy is telling Danny "You love me, until you don't," and saying that she's not going to fall for that again. In a way that's played out over and over during this season, as Mindy points out in this finale — 8

    I thought the same thing, until Morgan explained that he chose not chronologically, but based on the exes that he personally liked the best. (Lee was an odd choice, since Mindy just had a one-night stand with him and I thought Peter was the only one who knew about it. But Morgan did get to see his scarf.)

    Not to mention the Nobel peace prize-winning international feminist hero from season 1 (or 2?) who also happened to be a serial rapist.

    You may have been kidding, but I would LOVE to see Alicia becoming a corrupt politician. That would be such a rich, unexpected direction for the series to finish out on, plus she would lose her moral high ground over Peter.

    I saw him a few years ago and was so excited. I drove two hours each way to see his show. But I found it pretty off-putting. He kept pulling members out of the audience and making fun of them in cruel ways, especially about their weight. If I recall correctly, he made jokes about one person being mentally retarded.

    This was a great article — reminded me of Key and Peele's Obama impression with his angry black translator.

    I disagree — I thought the show was killing it earlier in the season, but the episodes have tanked in quality since Mindy got pregnant. This show is so funny and I enjoy the Danny-Mindy relationship so much that I can forgive a lot of illogical plotting and inconsistencies. But on top of the last few episodes making

    The whole Kardashian conversation was adorable. "I know who they are. They were an answer on Jeopardy." "You mean a question."

    OMG, it's pluriBUS. Did YOU not take Latin??

    Sweet… except that even in real life, Garry Gergich continues to get the short end of the stick. That was mean, Indiana!

    I agree! It's true, Danny was a jerk throughout the episode, and has made it clear the entire season that his "family" is his mother, not Mindy — but he could have redeemed himself when he learned she was pregnant by apologizing for how shortsighted he was. When his reaction to her pregnancy was "You're family," I

    "Catholic Danny isn't ok with masturbating" — except when "The Good Wife" is on with Julianna Margulies.