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    I had a big celebrity crush on Tim Robbins and watched The Player many times as a teenager. Reading this review, I realize that I understood approximately 0% of it.

    Agreed… I kept scrolling down until I finally saw a list of things I might actually be interested in watching, then realized that was the "leaving Netflix soon" list.

    I really disliked this one. As an Indian-American, I was psyched to see the episode description and thought the opener was interesting, with Mindy being called a coconut. But where it went after that… First of all, Neel was a jerk for saying that. Mindy doesn't have to identify as Indian. I liked how Mindy at the

    I disagree that "Mindy forgets that Leo is still a baby and still needs parents." I think the show is actually pretty one-sided about this conflict. Mindy has been shown to be a very capable mom whether she's at home or working. Danny is the one who skipped out on his family for months and then snorted when Mindy

    I didn't quite understand what the flashback was supposed to tell us. Was it meant to show that Danny's always been a jerk, who won't back down from very unreasonable and hostile positions until he pushes someone too far, and Mindy has previously allowed herself to be controlled by him (both in quitting and then in

    Mindy said that to Danny, and he dismissed it immediately.

    And when he tried to trick her into getting pregnant… and what happened to all her female friends? And in this episode he flat-out tells her that he HAS to make all the decisions for her, because he loves her but she's not capable of making decisions for herself. I seriously wonder if they're setting up Danny as an

    I don't think anybody discounts Tamra as being hilarious, but I disagree that her part is important to the show. This season, she shows up for a few one liners but she's certainly not a sounding board and confidante for Mindy. If any of the nurses other than Morgan left, I wouldn't really notice.

    Some people really do change when they get married or become parents, because their assumptions about gender roles are so strong. That could be what's happening here. I could see a possibility for Danny to turn around, although I wouldn't bet that that's where they're going.

    I totally forgot that she was renting her place… I assumed she owned it. Danny's ex is Christina. I didn't know that the next couple of episodes are her breaking up with Danny… I was hoping they would go to counseling or something. They have a kid together, I'd hope that they would make more effort than just "We're

    That would fit with the increasing darkness of this show… And Danny has been off hiding the bodies.

    I thought that line was sad — where's the confident, social Mindy from season 1 who was all, "Best friend isn't a person, it's a tier." Sort of makes me wonder if they're setting this up to be an abusive relationship. First Danny isolates her socially, then starts controlling what she does, wants to have unprotected

    Last season, I wouldn't have agreed with you. I thought there was a lot the show could do with a baby, and I've been very pleased that the season has focused on the grown-ups and has not done the usual plots about "we're exhausted because the baby won't sleep." But, the more I see this relationship develop, the more I

    Pretty sure she's not "barely out of law school." I thought the pilot established that she had worked hard (so hard she was on five different types of drugs just to remain functional) and was about to make partner, which puts her 8-10 years out of law school.

    Tamra had the best lines — my favorite was about how Danny's dance wouldn't be acceptable as a push present even if he could dance like Michael. "Michael Jackson?" "Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance. Racist."

    Second episode in a row that I really disliked, despite my usual love for the Mindy Project. The season premiere was so good, but the last two episodes have gone back to last season's pattern where Danny is a jerk to Mindy (which is always attributed to, and excused by, his childhood trauma of his parents divorcing

    Except "mi familia" is Spanish, and "la mia famiglia" is Italian.
    Not to be pedantic, but I noticed that in the episode and thought it was weird given all the Italian-American Danny was spouting.

    The only line that really made me laugh in this episode was "Syria's wack right now."

    I would wait. The premiere was great, but the last two episodes have followed exactly the same pattern of Danny being a jerk and Mindy being a pushover.

    It's a Rhode Island thing.