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    Not sure who's more utterly pretentious. The commenters on this show or those on Hannibal when it was still on.

    Just here to say, I really kinda like Hecate. I mean she's probably going to die, because she's still kinda "bad", but I wish she could be redeemed somehow. Doubt it though

    Thank you. I was starting to wonder if I needed a checkup in regards to my non-attraction to Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I honestly do not get it, all he does is smirk and look self satisfied. If that's what makes people's knees quiver, good for them I guess, but he's just bleh.

    Is it? I thought it was just a theory that book readers have, not something that's been made explicitly clear.

    I'm confused, so you're gay, but you sleep with women who know you're gay? Or are you bi?

    Thank you! This was my issue with Happy Endings and all the smugness around it. I have no problem with a gay character who's just your average gay character and not obviously that gay, but it gets annoying when the show goes out of their way to hammer home "how so not gay he is", we get it.

    Of course you can. Queer characters have not had enough positive depictions so far for us to be able to depict them negatively yet.

    Haven't been prowling AV Club much, so I might be wrong, but I think this is one of the few instances where the reviewer grade is higher than the community grade?

    Nora acting as Eli's official cockblock had me snorting.

    I said at the start that Lucia came across as "quick Alicia needs a new female friend with Kalinda gone now", and boom the character was born.

    Sorry, but are a lot of chefs assholes? I ask because I watch a fair bit of competitive reality shows(guilty pleasure) and top chef, even more than Project Runway(where you might stereotypically expect bitchy queens), manages to collect a sizable amount of dislikable, assholey contestants every season, leading me to

    That's subjective, obviously. There are a few eps that have been average.

    Before we give up wondering where Zach is, have we totally forgotten about Robin? :(

    Still not her show as she had no hand in its creation besides her production company being involved and getting Viola Davis on board(according to you at least). The writing, plot and characters, which is pretty much everyone's favourite parts had nothing to do with her, so it's a bit disingenious crediting her for it.

    I hope you're not counting HTGAWM as part of the four Shonda shows, because that's created by Peter Nowalk, not her.

    I hope you're not counting HTGAWM as part of the four Shonda shows, because that's created by Peter Nowalk, not her.

    How does that show manage to make the weirdest characters adorable? Petra should be an utter psycho, yet I want to root for her. Milos is reprehensible too, and yet he's strangely not totally gross.

    The Michael thing was shitty writing at it's worst. The Michael the show has built up from Season 1 would never do that, so it was very out of character.

    I wish I didn't read the comments before watching the ep now. When comments are hyperbolic in the vein of "bestest episode eva1!111!1!!" like some of the comments here, my mind automatically wants to push back and be contrarian, so I'm probably gonna watch the ep now and think it was good, but not that amazing.

    Yeah I've been thinking this. And with his final breath, he'll probably give Jane-Rafael his blessing or something cheesy.