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    Same. I get the attraction to guys who aren't unconventionally good looking, but he looks like some kinda lizard creature.

    The thought of Kristen Stewart as bond… *full body shudder*

    Same. I've only heard about this show in passing and it has never interested me, but I saw the F grade and I was like "whoa, what happened here" and clicked the review.

    This. I also feel because unlike Tatiana's Maslany's Orphan Black characters, there is nothing compelling about them, so I can't even be bothered to WANT to tell them apart.

    I've constantly said how I think this show is overrated and not deserving of the As it gets every week, but I loved this ep!

    Yep, she and Mellie(from Scandal) are one of the few "bad guys" I love rooting for sometimes.

    It IS rushed. It's pretty obvious after Kalinda's departure, they decided Alicia needs another sidekick/female friend, stat, and just threw her in. But it's fine, the character's great.

    Tf does that even mean? If you find men attractive, then you find men attractive regardless of sexuality. Unless you actually want to have sex with said men, which is another thing entirely.

    Ugh, love triangles are stupid, I hope they resolve it soon with anyone Michael or Rafael, just like I hoped they didn't draw out the kidnapping plot, which they thankfully resolved in one ep. I hope they do the same with the triangle.

    Still not sure why this show gets such consistently high grades. Don't get me wrong, it is GOOD and far from unwatchable, but is it consistently A worthy? I don't think so.

    I've stopped trying to see this show as a legal drama(i'm a law student). The Good Wife is a legal drama, law first, drama second. HTGAWM is drama first then the law is stretched around that drama. Nothing wrong with that, I'd advise any law student who watches it to do the same, it saves the whole "not being able to

    I'm honest to god confused, how is Will any good?

    I love the show(love, love, love). But how unbearably pretentious the fanboys got about it- "Omg, a cup of tea falling down and shattering in slow motion while the camera zooms in on the shards. Amazing!!!!1111!!1!! Best piece of cinematography I've ever seen hands down. The colours as the tea spilled, gave me an

    Just watched the first ep and Helen McCrory, AMAZING. You can already tell she's going to be batshit crazy. I have a feeling Madame Kali and Countess Marburg(Salem) will be my fave new characters across shows this season.

    I'm just gonna say it, I really, really, really fucking hated Krieger in the last two ep, he just seemed to fuck things up, just because. And he didn't even fuck things up in the funny "aww shucks, Krieger" sort of way, it was just plain infuriating.

    First time commenter here. As someone's who's still undecided if I'll continue with the show, I loved reading this recap and the analysis that came with it, rather than a recap that's basic and mind numbingly lacking any thought like the on one EW. Please, I do hope you continue, I need a steady site to read recaps