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    I would 100% watch a show about Oleg's adventures after the fall of communism.

    Maybe so, but he's certainly shown as wavering and admiring America at various points, not to mention that people regularly waver from beliefs "bred into their bones." You could compare to someone who is a lapsed Catholic. He was raised with those beliefs, and they'll always be with him, and he thinks there's clearly

    I liked the different reaction Philip and Elizabeth had to Gabriel, and to Paige meeting him. Both were shocked when he announced his retirement, but she let out an incredulous "What?" and looked to be on the verge of tears at the end of the scene, while Philip basically followed her lead.


    She looked horrified, not angry. It was a great rush of emotions from her, and it's interesting to see how she was taken so completely aback that her spying skills couldn't kick in.

    Am I the only one that thought they showed the two people spying on Renee at the EST meeting? There was the teacher, somebody named "Lucy" that they deliberately showed, and then Philip. Am I going insane?

    I thought he was Good Guy Greg, which also works.

    Somebody last week compared this season to a later episode of The Sopranos where everyone is just waiting around for everything to go to shit. That seems more accurate every week.

    You can see her struggling to process the information as he says it. She doesn't quite comprehend the horror of killing an innocent the way Philip does, but the idea that she (and more importantly, her country) has been completely wrong takes a toll.

    I think she showed up in Season 2 and then is a regular in 3 and 4. But I was just thinking of the College line, since it's great and is a perfect summation of what's going on with Philip and Elizabeth.

    The show brought up Vlad's murder this week and dropped the Mischa bomb out of the blue (when we didn't even know if he was real) last year; so I can't rule anything out.

    Since Svetlana has been in these last few episodes, what was the quote from College?

    Are we ever going to get an explanation of just what happened there? Some KGB guys show up, accidentally kill Gaad, Stan is mad, and…that's it. I really want to know what was going on there?

    I think he's two or three years younger than Paige, and Paige started asking questions in season 2, which was two and a half years ago. So not quite but he's getting there.

    Season 3 is going to be Born Again, involving Nuke (Will Simpson from Jessica Jones), and it's going to be awesome. They've laid the groundwork (Matt and Karen are separated, Kingpin might be figuring out his secret identity, and again, Nuke is around), and it's one of the best arcs in the character's history.

    Did the FBI know they were illegals, or did they just think it was a senseless family massacre?

    Stan had some dialogue with Aderholt back in S3 about illegals being everywhere, and then of course he almost caught P&E back in the S1 finale.

    You could hear the chopper while he was sitting there. Seems like something to mention, at least.

    They got two straight up monologues out of their characters, and it didn't feel at all silly.

    He probably didn't think there was any danger in what he was saying. They were married with kids, she was pretty, he was lucky. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people who meet that description in the DC metro area. These ones just happened to be living across the street from the guy he's talking to.