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    I liked P&E's different reactions to Paige telling them about Matthew. Elizabeth nudges, ever so slightly, toward Paige being a real spy, and Philip uses it to convince Gabriel to call Martha's parents.

    He was dreaming about Martha's treachery in the season 2 finale!

    This is set in the same universe as Breaking Bad. What makes you think this will end remotely well for her?

    How long have the other seasons taken place over? This would be about eight months if they include all of those events.

    He's as close as anybody to figuring out that Martha is the mole and Phillip and Elizabeth are illegals.

    It's not a fundamentalist church at all. They're doing anti-nuke activism, he was against Vietnam, and nobody's mentioned abortion.


    Two of the subtle lines from that exchange were my favorite moments in the whole episode: First, Phillip saying that he and Stan really are friends, which says a lot about how the show approaches the relationship between these two.

    He did. I don't remember what episode it was, exactly, but I remember Martha was crying and called them bastards.

    There was the doctored tape Phillip played where he called her ugly and talked about how drunk he'd have to be to touch her.

    Here goes nothing:

    Kuvira's become Walt/Heisenberg (Breaking Bad spoilers inbound, for the Philistines who haven't watched it). She started out with good intentions, then gradually let her desire for an empire take over all her other goals, but kept a few lines she wouldn't cross, and has now become almost completely irredeemable. Maybe

    What if she already knows Korra is still alive?

    I wonder if she'll see Bataar again in the series finale (holy shit it's the series finale). She'd most likely be happy he's still alive, he'd be less happy to see her.

    Forgot about them, yeah. But their problems run deeper than Lin's even if Tenzin and Su and Toph were dicks to her.

    Lin has legitimate problems, it's just that she tends to deal with them in the least constructive manner possible.

    If you don't get it by The Storm, you probably won't get it.