
Never say never with a franchise.

Hopefully they can do a better job than Game of Death.

Wait a minute wasn't Gerard Butler also in that one?

Boo, you stink. He wasn't even driving, his friend was.

I hate Billy Madison.

Hey there are some good Adam Sandler movies, depends on which one you watch, Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer, Anger Management, Punk Drunk Love, or Funny People.

Not to mention the underrated Miracle Mile.

Yeah, you are, you're a bunch of armchair critics.

You know you're just writing this shit for me, exactly he can play a sad trombone, I'd love him to go and write and direct his own movie so I can criticize it and call it shit.

No I was never seeking any fame or glory. So there's a difference.

I don't even go to Buzzfeed, you're adults? Could've fooled me.

I'm not your son, it's reverse psychology.

Oh, you do, then your diet must really suck, it's nice you admit to eating dung as a normal meal. It's speaks volumes for your character.

You have to catch me first.

Not for you, for me, and they can go suck it.

Who cares about that angry mob, Simpsons had it's 1 hour of glory and now it's outstayed it's welcome.

Eh, Jason Stratham's not going to do that.

Hey he was the DP on Blade, so eat that shit.

More then you could ever do in your life.

Well, it's not like when he didn't do crappy action-movies he did normal non-action movies well, then you get stuff like Revolver or London.