Grrr. Argh.

Damn it! Fuuuuck. I loved Ground Floor unabashedly. Wow, so many of the tiny random shows that I like have been canceled lately and I'm kind of over it.

I tried to find the thread you were talking about yesterday and saw her in there but wasn't really sure of what was going on. I've probably mentioned her on here before because I love keeping track of AVC crazies and she's one of the biggest. She can be totally normal and smart but she also clearly has issues. Let's

Was it Clytie?

I think what often happens is that the child doesn't actually get to choose, and no one involved knows what they're getting into. But many people are so indoctrinated that they think they're doing important service. Or they just don't know any better. The scariest thing isn't how people get in, but that Scientology

Yup. Nothing like billion year contracts to scare the shit out of kids. It's fairly impressive in its horribleness.

I saw Ghostbusters with that cast as a teenage girl so there shouldn't be a problem. And if there is, it's their loss.

Maybe you can look up McKinnon's best sketches sometime. She does great work.

While other groups deserve criticism, which they do receive, Scientology is still different, and worse. It is not a religious sect; it is a cult with ruthless business interests. This is not simple discrimination. Scientology traffics in mind control, forced labor, child labor, entrapment, coerced familial

I wish I had the energy to do more but I figure that every little bit helps. The journalists, authors, ex members, and filmmakers who have spent so much time on this throughout the years, at great personal risk, deserve all of the credit. The rest of the media and the public just need to catch up now.

Technically, they tell members that they can audit the gay out of them (at $500-$1,000 an hour). …I'm assuming that it doesn't work. Doing stuff like staring at someone else for 2 hours without blinking until your brain naturally disassociates will give you a temporary rush of euphoria, but it won't make the gay go

I still can't believe they got that IRS designation by hunting down all of the agents that would be responsible for their case and threatening them. Then they had a big party. It makes sense based on their usual tactics but I can't believe people can get away with that in this country. We as citizens are financially

It's funny because it's true! No…like, factual.

Tony Ortega thinks that Shelly is in one of the distant buildings where they've been transferring all of Hubbard's writings so they can put them in the several bomb shelters they have all over the world in case of nuclear disaster. He thinks she may even be happy in there since she's so obsessed. At least Shelly's

Yup. It's just adorably transparent.

Honestly, I'm glad you said something because I think it's time that people start speaking up more because this information needs to get out and not everyone has the time to research it all themselves. The Internet and David Miscavige will be the downfall of Scientology but we owe it to the victims to hasten that

Just don't go Free Zone if you used to be the second in command. Then you get stalked by thugs for about 200 days until you're forced to move, then you get stalked again until you finally get up the nerve to file a lawsuit against a billion dollar crazy evil organization.

While taking all of your money so you can barely afford that life anymore.

It have to start reading The Underground Bunker while listening to The Book of Mormon just to see if my head would explode.

They do believe that Jesus existed, but think that he was an alien implant…really. The cross is the typical manipulation to get as many people through the doors as possible.

Almost anywhere has got to be better than the Sea Org. Poor kids raised without an education and forced to do manual labor for less than minimum wage. And there's the coerced abortions of course, because they don't want to have to take care of more babies but don't even teach abstinence or provide birth control so