Grrr. Argh.

Didn't they start whatever the Ethics part is after those 11 execs were imprisoned for breaking into federal office buildings during Operation Snow White? Ethics, indeed.

That's one of the big reasons why their numbers have dwindled to less than 50,000, though they claim that it's still in the millions. But members are told not to Google Scientology—it's shocking how many must not—and the most prominent members' computers are literally child proofed so they can't. It's willful denial,

Don't forget their front groups like Narcanon that engage in "drug rehabilitation" in order to just suck people into CO$. All the while being responsible for deaths of addicts who were just seeking help, since there aren't any real professionals involved. Thankfully, the lawsuits are piling up but it's going to take a

And yet Laura Prepon lies and says that CO$ has no problem with homosexuality so she can keep both her job with OITNB and her position in the "church." Such bullshit.

If only Christianity also involved yelling at ashtrays. That would be so entertaining.

It still shocks me that the Xenu stuff starts as early as OTIII—-there are 8 levels! (well, until they make up the next ones for their multi millionaires and billionaires).

The psychiatry thing is hilarious because they have their own version of therapy called auditing. Which is the same but like, involves way more interrogation, blame, hypnosis, brain washing, and takes place for hours and hours on end until most people wouldn't know which way is up. Basically, they hate psychiatry

It's way more than just batshit. See below.

Don't forget the coerced abortions, ripping families apart via shunning, child labor, bogus tax free accreditation, entrapment, physical abuse, etc. etc. etc. It's kind of shocking to me that I haven't come across anything regarding the typical sexual abuse allegations against groups like these since they're guilty of

Fun Facts About Arrow:

I have no idea, but the two looked miserable presenting at The Golden Globes. Maybe they're dreading the backlash but they knew exactly what they were signing up for. It was really weird.

The leopard print dress AND hat was a genius choice. Bravo, wardrobe.

Have you read the book? I haven't, and am not sure I would like it, but I loved the movie. Which surprised me because I read the premise and spoilers a long time ago and thought it sounded terrible.

I doubt that the show will be consistently amazing but Taraji is great in it, to the extent that I kind of understand why she left POI if she did so willingly.

I really liked it. There you go.

Are you talking about the woman who pretended to deliver mail to the supposed terrorists so that the agents could bust in, because she looked so much like Shahi that I was wondering if it was intentional too.

That closing piece was beautiful and understated, thankfully.

One would hope. I wish I had liked this one as much as the last, but I'm glad that they're proud of this trilogy, as they should be.

It was. I thought the same thing. It may have been more of a marketing decision than anything, but yay for new beginnings.

Aw shucks. You should read my reviews of Person Of Interest though…it's on quite the roll right now.