Grrr. Argh.

I actually have a screener for the next one so I'll let you know. ;-)

Oh interesting.

Hey. I just wanted to say hi since I don't think you're on Twitter anymore, though I haven't been on there much lately myself either. -HerQueue

I miss Greek. :-(

Thanks for getting back to me! Those are good suggestions, and it's a medium that I'm not familiar enough with.

Awesome. I'm so slow.

Should I watch Agent Carter without having seen The Winter Soldier yet? I've seen the first Captain America but haven't gotten around to watching the sequel yet. Thanks!

I read this! Busted.

Which romances would you recommend?

1. “Pilot”
2. “Ghosts”
4. “Cura Te Ipsam”
6. “The Fix”
7. “Witness”
10. “Number Crunch”
11. “Super”
12. “Legacy”
13. “Root Cause”
16. “Risk”
21. “Many Happy Returns”
22. “No Good Deed”
23. “Firewall”


Is that the name of that song? It was awesome, per usual.

The A.V. Club

I'm honored. I know that one. Yay.

Me! And happy birthday!!!

I'm sure they've done cost-benefits analysis and think going forward with the movie would risk losing much more. But I don't really get it. Those slide shows didn't exactly inspire confidence in their business strategy. Man, that was terrifying. Everything we'd expected about the studios but worse. At least that

I haven't read a lot about this yet but I assume they're also terrified of being held liable, legally or in the court of public opinion, if anything dangerous did happen. I also assume that the issue is money long term, as it always is. I agree with Semi that they're being way too cautious, and it sets a bad

Yuuup. It just wasn't that great.

I agree, but I'm going to be pissed if they have it and Sara doesn't come back. Given that they want Laurel to be BC, that doesn't seem likely.

It was on my list.