
Well that was nice! Ha ha! Even though I'd have loved to see something about that insane Italian movie he did, The Visitor, I know you can only ask about so much! You got one of his many Bigfoot movies in there, though!

This makes me think twice about proceeding with my movie idea for a streetwise drama entitled Moist: The Wadded-Up Kleenex Story!

Why not just get the guy who played Ralphus!

Ha ha, what about the guy who played The Sinful Dwarf?

First Serpico, now this!

WWZ2: I Cry Horsepunch!
WWZ2: Operation Huggaduggadah
WWZ2: Just Rub A Little Vagipro On It
WWZ2: The Frightening Fumnitis
WWZ2: Man or Oink?
WWZ2: Attach My Colluptibles

Their greatest summer anthem is The Beach! "See whose bum you like the best… see who's got a hairy chest!"

I guess the question is really "What's your favorite song from a band you know only one song of?"

I always thought his name should be Joseph Do Luca!

I believe it's called Fair Game!

A Talking Eric Roberts!?!

This is just what I've always said!

Thank you!

But what could such an inside joke possibly mean? Ha ha, my theory is that he was composing his tweet, then violently vomited in the middle of it, right onto his device, and the heavier chunks hit the C, O, V, F, E - double hits on these last two - and then finally the SEND key!

Because he actually typed "cobfuff!" Spelled it wrong, you see!

You can say that again!

Do you think an earnest, heartfelt breakdown of the situation would work better?

Hooray that I haven't been fired! I've currently got a pretty sweet but very intense gig directing dramatic re-creations for a true-crime murder show, and I (ill-advisedly) keep trying to make the thing more interesting than the producers believe it should be! I expect to be given my walking papers any time, but so

I'm rather surprised that no one has mentioned The Unseen, in which Furst plays an enormous, murderous man-baby! He dipes around a rambling California mansion, killing one-by-one an all-lady field reporting team who are staying there! Ha ha, it's a terrific performance, like all Furst's performances were!

If you ever undertake that project, let me know! I was writing a book on the subject for a while, and gave it up, but still have a complete list of all such movies!