Belching is a social skill!
Belching is a social skill!
*horse whinneys, frame freezes for an extra second or two*
Terrific place, Winnipeg!
Stop at Old Geo's, just a ways east of Regina! Amazing place!
Phones used to be attached to the wall back then!
That's actually not a funny thing at all!
Is that where all these crazy fools are coming from? It's weird!
I think that was Sleepaway Camp you were watching!
This seems more like a remake of Final Destination! And where's the subplot about the fellow surreptitiously videotaping his love-dates!
"This retrospective screening of the Problem Child series is the most hilarious thing I've seen in ages!"
Trauma is by definition viciously abnormal, and here the victims of it are being pilloried for not acting normal! It's unconscionable and outrageous!
I saw that picture in the theater! It's a weird one, but seemed completely normal to me back then, because I was a little kid!
This is really sad! She was married to the brother of an acquaintance of mine, and I met her once! She seemed like a very nice, cool person!
I have a lot of VHS tapes, and the reasons are severalfold: many of the movies are unavailable in any other format (aside from YouTube rips of those very same murky VHS tapes!), and I'll admit there is also a certain element of nostalgia from the days of renting tapes! And there are some movies - low-budget slasher…
A friend of mine once drew two pictures! One depicted Don Knotts being assailed by G forces, and the other was Don Knotts assaulted by ghosts!
I sure can't wait for Killing Ground 2: S'More!
Well James Bond used it for a chase scene once!
Yeah, what about MAN-CHOP???
A la Colonel Moodus?