
You're thinking of The Clue of the Broken Blade!

Do you love the picture Truly, Madly, Deeply?

The Japanese do love to kill themselves a whale!

Simply ask Charlie Sheen!

Actually he said "See? I won a BS poll!"

It is by the juices of Sapphu that a film becomes a bomb!

I really liked the book! I have been advised that each subsequent volume is markedly worse than the previous one, so I've stayed away from the sequels! But the first one is good!

Ha ha, I saw this picture in an interesting way: while almost exactly halfway through reading the book! It played in a cavernous old theater with a curved screen, and was a fairly beautiful and overwhelming experience! I've ever since felt fondly toward the movie, and no amount of patient explanations of how bad most

I agree!

I'm sad, but not surprised, to hear all that about the Phantasm movie! A special, strange little world was created in the first picture, and I really like the second one too even if it can't hope to respin that After-School Special Gone Bozo atmosphere!

The Ballad of Harry Warden is more of a Valentine's Day song, don't you think?

*watches The Blummy*

Right to China! Ha ha!

Watching Peter Ustinov is one of the sublime pleasures this life offers, so I don't mind that! Ha ha, I even met the man once!

Fish! Sea greens! And plankton from the sea!

Arnold Mummy!

His plié is only so-so, but you should see him do an aleppo!

I am very sad to hear this! HG was a man of many surprises and multiple talents, and the man who helped bring the world AN EGYPTIAN FEASSSST! deserves all the tributes!

He's Alonzo Hawk!

Heh heh! Just beat the devil out of it!