
A Shure will survive any number of mic droppings!

In my town there was a police crackdown on pornographic videos, and one of their confiscations was The Black Hole! Ha ha, as I remember, Mickey in a wizard hat was a prominent part of the cover art!

Hawmps was also the first thing to come to my mind! I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned in the article!

I remember a commentator here named C.H.O.M.P.S!

Perhaps a very brief Spoiler Space is in order!

Never, never kill a cat in a movie!

Ha ha, please spill the beans: what's the surprisingly gory shot?

I thought you said sealed underground hair!

It's hard to believe this fellow Geraldo was once Kurt Vonnegut's son-in-law!

Or zapped by mall security robots!

He almost shot himself in his very first movie, Apache Woman, where he plays a cowboy and an Indian!

Or Steven Spielberg for that matter, who, as rumour has it, was the one who decided Mr. Futterman should survive at the end of Gremlins! This paid off big time when Futterman became one of the key heroes in the sequel!

No time for like, Doctah Jones!

Rhinestone! By garr! I feel cheated on your behalf!

Only what you see, pal!

I never liked that he shot Dick Miller! I thought that was a pretty mean thing for him to do!

You forgot to include "Layin' Pipe" by David Wilcox!

Finally someone picked Car Jamming! Always have loved that song!

I remember Lady Chablis making a real impression in that Clint movie! A very talented manmaiden! Yes, she was terrific!

Not to mention all those times there was a parking spot right in front of wherever he wanted to go!