
for me it was when we were watching troy.

probably a fourth one will be released in 2022. i am just afraid it will have a plot with them connecting/talking during Hank's wedding where they have been divorced the last few years.

i thought when Legolas finally caught up with Tauriel, he will shout "WE HAVE TO GO BACK!!!"

it makes sense for him not to kill characters who are main POVs on their geography. killing Dany will kill the eastern plot line and so will killing Jon do the wall plot line.

yeah i second this thought. it is more logical for a noble guy who can't compromise to be killed in a city full of snakes and back-stabbers.

boom town has my one of my favorite Doctor lines. regarding letting one go once in a while. brilliant writing.

well, its understandable that they didnt clarify on that because people will have to remember it from watching 9th's season. all nods were just nods, not so heavy call-backs

doctor who made you say "comfy chairs"

they said the Moment grew a conscience so i am assuming this is because the Bad Wolf asserted itself into the interface, remember she sees all time and space and declare the Time War ends. so maybe this was her ending the time war all the way from the Parting of Ways

liked that part but my favorite moment is when he explained to Clara "Like a painting!" you could see his happiness that they thought of another way.

from what i understand.

never watched doctors 1-8 before "Rose" but i am with you there that i was sorta hooked with the 2nd episode. especially the last scene where he talked about concrete and time war.

i don't know if this has been said here before (point 4) but i just had a thought.