
Did anyone else upon seeing the helicopter crash scene think of the trolls in frozen rolling out and singing "So He's a Bit of a Fixer Upper"?.

A very sad ending to a beautiful life together. It made me feel so sad!


Can anyone clarify what happened with the hotel scene? Did Strand take Daniel to a different hotel to fool him or was it the same one but overrun with walkers? I wasn't sure.

Nick has found yet another grandpa sweater. And his hair is like The Crypt Keeper; I keep expecting him to walk in and be like, "Hello, boys and ghouls".

Well, no, Mr. or Mrs. Sarcasm. What I like used to like about the show were the character studies that brought about the unpredictable. Also how characters have to choose to maintain some semblance of themselves and their humanity, or not. Like, Carol and Tyrese with Lizzy and Mika. Probably my favorite episode.

Aaah….willing suspension of disbelief. I often wonder how in either series how anything can last long in the blazing heat.

With Troy, was anyone else reminded of LIzzy from TWD and a sociopathic mind let loose in the apocalypse where all the rules are gone? The scene with Alicia and the teenagers was more of what attracted me to TWD originally. A situation that goes in a completely different direction and gives insight into the

Also, adult Henry is the actor who played Gareth the cannibal on "The Walking Dead".

Aladin's outfit. I mean, what was it?

Excellent summation. (I really mean it; not sarcastic.)

Yes! I noticed!

They should just redub the show "Once Upon a Groundhog Day" because it is the same story over, and over, and OVER. For crying out loud, can't the writers come up with an original story arc? Another rehash of a curse, Emma losing her faith, Henry holding on to faith, a twisted parent/all-powerful villain, the

As usual, abysmal. Who of us could not think of Frodo as Emma was wrapped up by the (STUPID) CGI spider? It's impossible to keep up with the lunacy of character and plot inconsistencies, ridiculous tropey macguffins (last week Hook calling Emma from another realm on a tiny shell phone/cell phone as she just happened

Beyond ridiculous Hook calling Emma on the tiny shell phone.

Nailed it.

Ugh, let's not even talk about that pretense of an ending. More like an abandonment of the story…

One thing you've overlooked is the magnetism in James Delaney's swag strolling the grimy streets of London! There is definitely more up between him and Pope Francis (the East India Don) than we have seen. James Delaney told him on their first meeting that he studied his tactics. (I feel like Pope Francis knew very

Pass the rolls, Carl. Please!

Carl just gunned down two bad guys with his automatic rifle. Why didn't he continue his strafing run and do Negan in? OOOOH because we have to endure at least another season of his antics.