
I am Loki!

Not enough Marky Mark, not enough Edward Norton or Jason Statham to appease me. No only a weird Michael Caine performance.

I don't care about Conner Oberst, like I don't care about Drake and his Rolling Stone Cover complaint.

I don't care you don't care.

Eh, who cares it's Conner Oberst.

Alright Alright Elton John, Lionel Richie I'll let you finish, I'll let you finish you have pretty good songs but Beyonce has the best songs of all time!. Of all time!- Kanye West at the festival.

What? It was consensual sex?

That makes it worst, he was too lazy to murder pregnant women. He needed someone else to do it, and he probably made Roman Polanski the screwed up individual he is today.

But he murdered a pregnant woman or had others murder a pregnant woman, wouldn't that mean anything, oh well.

You mean the guys on Chris Hansen's show then. Though to be fair I don't know, maybe Oberst didn't know she was 16. But probably not.

That never stops them, didn't they put Dahmer in solitary?

Yeah but he brutally murdered a pregnant woman or at least had his cronies brutally murder a pregnant woman.

Seriously, I don't know a Conner Oberst, he sounds like a repulsive human being who apparently didn't make Chris Hansen's cut.

Yes but somehow Charles Manson is still alive in California, for what reason I'll never know.

This guy's about as unknown as Drake is.

Why do we waste such time with unknown singers like this guy and Drake?

You really don't know creepy very well.

I don't even know who this guy is!

Actually some of this also due to the success of stuff like Nolan's Batman, Amazing Spider-Man, Man of Steel, X-men First Class etc. Believe it or not there was a time when Superhero movies were in dire straights during the 00s about the time I think Elektra came out. All the ones people hated came out, like X-Men 3,

Henry Fonda murdered anyone he wanted in that movie, not just children, let me murder cripples, children, women and men.