
Behold, me not giving one shit.

Eh, if anything at least it gave us an out of the ordinary Tom Hanks role, he normally doesn't play characters who are almost the Devil in some respects.

If you enjoy a mean and cruel Tom Hanks role that he rarely ever plays.

Liked him in Chronicle til he got *Spoilers* struck by lightning. He was the sole lighthearted person in Chronicle. But he did provide all the cliches that horror movies give African Americans unfortunately, he was the comic relief and also the first to die. Old habits die hard in horror movies I guess.

Spider-Man I honestly thought Raimi need to just put out a better sequel. Though I was hoping this reboot would breath some new life into the series but no, it isn't. If Webb could be anymore bland in his directing and the script basically repeating the same tired origin from the first movie.

I don't remember that movie, I just remember the Daredevil movie which had a vaguely interesting Director's Cut to it.

I'm sorry just my opinion good day sir, sorry about stumbling into this half cocked and all. Just not for me, good day.

Well of course they are going to do this I mean it's all based off of that lame Ultimate Universe where Spider-Man is an annoying douche who whines about everything. You know the same one we got in the recent movies.

Why am I a creep for thinking that yes Woody Allen can be nasty pervert in his private life. It's really already too late, people make jokes now about Woody Allen in the same vein as MJ.

Maybe I don't like film schools. I understand how Director's manipulate things, do you think I don't know how Martin Scorsese likes to shoot things. And usually Scorsese does it more interesting and at least noticeable to me.

I know that, I see the images of the film and the imagery the film provides also. I just don't always pay attention to how a director closes up on someone. I know Martin Scorsese does special things in his movies composition, but this honestly sounds like overreaching.

I just watch Films for entertainment, sorry.

Not really, I mean if I watched Her, the last thing I'm going to notice is the mastery of a close up, then again I didn't notice all the details on Elysium's craft work either that this site pointed out, something about zooming in or something. I just don't care to notice these things while watching a movie.

Nah, I already thought he was a creep for marrying his adopted step daughter.

You're right, I'll just go watch Kevin Costner kick European guys asses.

No, I know what closes ups are and usually they are their for emotions not establishing an already established character.

Ah Romanian New Wave films, are they as annoying as regular New Wave movies, a bunch of hipster movies if you ask me. That's all New Wave movies are, hipster movies.
The fact it's Romanian is a minus too, I hate the Romanians just much as a I hate the French.

So we can all become weirdos like Joaquin Phoenix.

But I don't like Fatalistic Dramas.

Yes close up shots establish what we already get from the get up the character has on and the facial expressions he has. I mean I don't need close ups to tell that Phoenix's character is a lonely goofball nerd.