frank garrett

"Ha ha!" - Nelson Muntz

Guys, this thread is great - deep shit happening here. Of course, the question of art vs. commerce will never be solved, but it makes for great discussion.

*throws hot dogs and toast while yelling obscenities*

Oh sure I have. It's really been blowing up over the past 15 years.

I remember going to the video store and seeing a shelf called "Japanamation" back in the 90's. Is Anime a relatively new term or was that video store just stupid?

In the end, it doesn't even matter.

I heard he came up with that song when they asked him to help Shaq make an album. Don't know if that's true, but it's hilarious if it is. Love that song.

I'd like the Thin White Duke to throw darts in Bieber's eyes.

Yes. 2002.

This is set to open in February? Isn't that where theatrical releases go to die?

Actually, I found sex on acid rather enjoyable. Different strokes, I guess.

So is Suicide Squad set in the continuity of Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman? because if this is our new permanent Joker I'm going to cry uncontrollably

Sounds like a real Inside Edition opening line.

The title of this article sounds like a Mad Lib.

Bingo. That's what I think about when I'm depressed.

The WWF is helping to capture the rarest animals by putting them in a cage match and triple suplexing them.

I read that in Linda Belcher's voice.

Some people are just nuts, I guess.

I'm not defending anything. I'm asking you about why you are so angry. I don't know if he did it or not but as far as the law is concerned, he was acquitted.

I love the conversation cards bit just for Gilliam dressed as little bow peep going "HI!" It's a bit uneven as a movie, but it's my favorite even so.