frank garrett

I am the queen of France *hoola dance*

Why does this subject seem to upset you so much? We're just having an objective conversation about a celebrity but you seem to be taking it very personally. I respect your opinion on the matter, but I wonder what makes you so fired up about it.

I watched that doc a couple of years ago and was not pleased with it. It just came off as explotitive and manipulated. Very sleazy. I don't know if MJ was innocent or not, but if he WAS, that was some really fucked up shit they did to him.


For my money, "They Don't Care About Us" from that album is one his best songs ever. It's dark and tortured, but rhythmic, and it seems to be a social justice song on the surface, but he's also venting about his own problems. It's good shit.

Tasteless as the Clapton jokes are, I think it's important we all remember this. Mr. Show made this point very effectively in it's Clapton/Brian Wilson awards parody.

//$$&&//Go fuck yourself!//$$&&//

You drew it up! You maniacs!

Paranoid (Because I Only Watch Fox News)

Hmm - I just assumed it was Anne Coulter.

Good point - he does have some awesome industrial pop skills. Bowie knew right away not to get chained to Ziggy forever and it's sad Manson wasn't smart enough to avoid that trap himself.

Yeah, Manson was kind of a one trick pony. He would have been better off going by the Bowie/Madonna playbook. He got stale, fast.

He also thought he was the Anti-Christ. Not kidding.

Bring me the axe!

They're waaaay past borderline all the way to crazy-evil-cult-town. Just sayin'.

God, I love Sean O'Neal so much. He deserves some kind of award for this article.

"If you get raped by a pack of Tiggers it'll be your fault," said Mel.

I have encountered only one of these rare creatures. Male, Caucasian, 19, dummy. He was hot, but straight, and again, a dummy.

Oh my god - Keith looks like he died several years ago. I wonder if Mick is wearing a wig.

25 SNARKY Newswire articles you'll read once and forget about while taking a SHIT!