frank garrett

Then he ran into my knife…ten times.

Nice fuckin model! *honk honk*

Is it me or is the current state of this type of music completely antithetical to what it was at it's inception? I'm not really a fan, and that's probably one of the reasons, also I just don't like it. Bleh.

Just place it on the turntable and lay the needle down.

Come on, April Fools is next week, you silly AV Club.

Okay, maybe I'm being a little rough on old Bob. But if I have to hear Old Time Rock And Roll or Turn The Page one more fucking time, i'm gonna go on a multi-state killing spree.

She's Jewish! I'll let myself out.

I hate him because his songs are annoying little pieces of pablum cobbled together from better classic rock songs and repeated eternally in the same loop on every classics station ever. It's just awful. I try to keep an open mind on most things and not be a jerk but this is one thing I will not budge on. No, just no.

He was mean to Lily Tomlin! Off with his head!

Asking for a "friend."

Also, you're a DJ now. Deal with it.

What the world needs now now, is loathe, sweet loathe…

Bob Seger. Oh, how I loathe him.

Sega Channel!!! As a kid, I got it right before it went bust, unfortunately - but Playstation Network owes a huge debt to its concept. Good times.


I'm still waiting for an Invisible Monsters movie. That one was always my favorite of his.

It was the illustrations that were terrifying!

Mmm nerd based ecstasy… *drool*

I'm tired, i'm wasted. I love you darling!

What a fucking great show that was.