frank garrett

The first time I saw The Forbidden Zone I was doing acid and needless to say, freaked the fuck out about thirty seconds in. Later viewings were more enjoyable but nothing can ever compare to the horror I experienced watching the opening scene and not being able to turn it off because I was tripping balls and couldn't

I'm a little younger. My people made American Idiot a hit, and for that I apologize wholeheartedly.

Cream Queens 9 - available now at your local adult video store.

Nah, there would have been but shit happened and we got Apollonia instead. You should thank god there wasn't more than one Apollonia 6 album.

Jamie Starr produced my favorite Vanity 6 album and he is for sure a real person and not Prince in disguise. But he might be in porno.

Then she gouged out her eye with a spoon…it was a weird day.

Jada Pinkett Smith raped me once :(

I got the box with a million little pieces of James Frye in it…


Bless your heart.

You are awesome and will be greatly missed, sir. Peace out, betch.

Prince, at your door in high heels:
"Hello. Do you know Jesus has a wonderful plan 4 U?"

Another under appreciated Batman soundtrack - that shit rocks. Prince and Billy actually have a lot in common if you think about it. Both unique, temperamental talents with devoted cult followings, both continue to record and tour despite reaching their peaks decades ago. Also, both unapologeticly out of their minds.