Boy Howdy

Tim Guttermind

Nearly every other word is spoken with a different intonation. Every tenth word or so she has a raspy, almost inaudible voice and there's heavy machinery in the background.

It's Apocryphull of stars.

You can choose to interpret this as confirmation that he'll be introduced as a major character in a post-credits stinger.

The Promotional Still of Paul Rudd (Left) and Stacey Dash

"What market are you shopping at?"

Colonel Panic was another great pun.

Shit, I am. Been a while since I've seen the show and the movie.

He's just gonna float by in his spacesuit in the background of a Guardians of the Galaxy scene, still talking to himself.

Plus, independent redistricting. Means that an unlucky year in state elections doesn't open the door to a North Carolina-type power grab. That's probably not a practical concern in California in our lifetimes anyway, but it's nice to know it's there.

Game of Thrones: The Winter Soldier is Coming

Yup. It was nice to get that immediate payoff, though.

Oh, Mercy.

Nothing explicit that I notices, but it was a skyscraper with a prominent Avengers logo, presumably the rebuilt/repaired Stark Tower. Seems about as good a confirmation of NY as you can get without a label on the map.

Now I feel even worse about losing my house on that Ned-Robb-Ros parlay.

I don't know if he moved there, but he was definitely in NY at the time of the climax. One of the HYDRA targeting shots shows an Anthony Stark tagged in what's pretty clearly Stark Tower.

Yeah, there was one scene when he picked up the shield and held it for a beat. It's amazing to see how self-assured Marvel is with their long-term plans.

Apparently the standard contract is nine movies, but Evans negotiated it down to six, and Bucky's signed on for nine.

Sploosh! Or, whatever the carotid artery equivalent of sploosh is. Which I guess is just sploosh. Only with blood.