Boy Howdy


"its floor a kind of treacherous tar pit"

Good point.


Someone who forgot the ancient story of Dickarus, who boned too close to the zipper and paid the price.

That printer was screaming fast, too, according to my memories of dot matrix printers back then. Guess that was an industrial one.

Two Girls, a Guy and a Pizza Place

I'm totally okay with this taking an Inglourious Basterds left turn halfway through the movie into an alternate history.

Hey, when you're teaching Sunday School and you run out of felt characters, you reach for the GoBots.

It could just be a sewing machine and an industrial mixer down there.

And kids, that's the story of the very first A.V. Club Meetup.

Second hole to the right and straight on 'til morning.

P .

The Chervoyant.


[ponders article]

British Dropouts.

"I did it when I was an initiate, and you'll do it when you're cultists, but you're doing great. Now flop like herring you little freshman fishies, flop!"

Yeah, it stings that they killed a great show and then stripped it for parts.

Would you like to swing on a star /
carry moonbeams home in a jar /
and be better off than you are /
or would you rather go to earth?