Boy Howdy

Grover is the only true Monster at the End. The Blue King.

We don't like to talk about that. It's gauche.

All of their superpowers will be glitter and/or fire extinguisher-based.

What I really can't wait for is the sequence from next season of Parks and Rec (it'd probably have to be on the gag reel) with Andy Dwyer acting out the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Handshake attempt gone terribly wrong due to unfamiliarity with alien anatomy.

Now I can't wait to hear Tarzan Boy in the Superman vs. Batman trailer.

Hey! That's the name of the poster!

I just need one more punch on my Frequent Fucker Card to earn a free fuck.

[wolf mauls neighbor's child instead]

Dick Dynasty?

That extended dance sequence in The Bible Reloaded was really polarizing.

Oh man, I feel so honored.

I just now realized it wasn't.

Yup, and specifically referenced by Ledoux when he was talking to Cohle, just before Marty came up and shot him.

I took it as missing persons reports being made and then quashed, not necessarily bodies being found. Maybe families being leaned on or pressured to recant?

I agree, but honestly, the black stars (asterisks, I guess) on the broken window were as creepy as a person standing on the other side.

"In this desolate wasteland of recurring human misery?"

An advice column that gives thoughtful, reasonable advice? I didn't think we were allowed to have those here.

We have Top Ramen reheating in it now.

[Craig James waits impatiently behind Glenn Beck to use the microwave]