Boy Howdy

"Kinda a complete game-changer."


I am a 25 years old pansexual powerlifter nurse.

"Does he ride an elephant or something?"

Dumb Nora Jones Duets. The missing H makes it legal.

There wasn't a comma in the original, though. Makes it sound like some sort of personal aid.

I thought the same, but the article linked downthread says that they ended up using a single continuous cut. I think that helicopter shot is another section that they intentionally included as a precautionary measure, in case they needed to splice material from two of the takes, but ended up not needing.

I want to see the Family Circus drawing of that scene, with Rust's little dashed line running all over the neighborhood.

I agree, but I also think it was set up to not let you see more than a step ahead of Rust. I think it did an amazing job of giving enough information to let you understand what was happening at each point along the way, without telegraphing how everything was going to happen beforehand.

I thought there was a cut when they panned by the sheets drying on the line. Or why else pan by those sheets?

It's simultaneously an argument for and against the Internet, isn't it?

He was busted, of course, by the Dog Police:

Maybe it's because we can all sympathize with people moving around on slippery surfaces. Like watching people slip in the shower on national television.

Dog seat fillers would get the internet on Team Putin.

Good point, my recollection was a little fuzzy. You're right.

The edit between Laurel's glass smashing against the door and the following scene made it look like the drink had exploded in a fireball.

It's practice for all the times he uses his fancy bow as a hand-to-hand weapon.

Did Moira even know who Thea's father was during Season 1? She might have had suspicions, and maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought she only knew for sure once Malcolm came back in Season 2.

She tracked the payout and found out that it went to … a doctor? (I think)

Yeah, I was expecting Axl to get them sucked back in when he said something in front of Rev. Key about not eating for 96 hours. Then they'd explain about the buffet plans and Rev. Key would tag along to the smorgasbord (and be horrified by Brick's "soup").