Boy Howdy

Their naming convention would never allow it to start with a letter so close to the middle of the alphabet, though. It'll be called something like Assemble!: The Mega Blocks Movie

The sixth season … is us.


Halfa Loonie.

Loud noises aren't as much of a problem as they used to be, though, so he's coming around on Bieber.

Bertie would have run with it.

He needed time to make sure that all the potential sex locations were dusted/polished/fluffed/sanitized/preheated/defrosted.

True Detective should be submitting in the miniseries categories. Everyone gets an Emmy!

To be fair, 8 months is like three-and-a-half seasons in Justified Time.

Here I was just hoping that we might get a reprise of the Crowder-Dancing-Out-Of-Jail that Boyd did in season 1.

Yeah, In-N-Out is amazing, especially for the price. Now I want it too.

She's got them rings!

Yeah, you can smell an In-N-Out from a block or two away, but the blast radius isn't nearly as large.

Inheritance delivery (barrel full of cash) packed and labeled by a person who spells legal terms phonetically.

Kentucky Jelly was the line of the night for me. But there was some stiff competition.

He's a turtle who doesn't look down.

Your first sentence really threw me for a loop.

When I have kids, I plan to disguise my bar as a chemistry set. That way they think they're doing science when they mix me drinks, rather than enabling me.

Ah, soap operas. The Sweet Serials.

I blame the site redesign for the lack of BONESBONESBONESBONESBONES alt text.