Boy Howdy

It is, but the story behind it is not known to non-Masons. After the signing of the Constitution, dark forces aligned with the British conspired to capture and corrupt the signed document. The only known protection against such evil was a spell that required decades of preparation.

I love that description of the show so much.


Glorious sunset of their Empire was fading.

The internet runs on visceral emotions. Shame, lust, anger, fear, those sorts of things.

This past season of BSDM in the Park was very well-reviewed in the Times.

Sometimes it means fries with gravy and cheese curds.

I tell you the truth Gentileman, this very night, before the Taco Bell bell BONGs, you will discuss three times the effect of Taco Bell food on your gastrointestinal system.

Advice is a strong word.

I was really hoping the entire text of the article would be "Yes."

When I set anything on my front passenger seat I have to put a seatbelt on it, but that's because if I don't buckle it up (♫) the seatbelt warning noise will beep and beep.

Well, when you've got a thin sheen of ice on the hillsides overlooking Exhibitionist Gulch, you're gonna get some inadvertent slide-ins.

Yeah, Grover looked like shit there.

There could still be some overlap. Man walks as slow as Cohle, he could probably stretch out an interview over more than a week.

That shot with Cohle getting out of the car and the ship sailing by in the background was beautiful and a little bit unnerving, where my eyes appreciate it before my brain has a chance to catch up..

I'm a clock watcher during episodes, just because I like to know where I am, even during the most exciting episodes. But tonight, the last half hour flew by for me.

I'm going to be even more green than that, and raise a family of serial killers.

These growth charts are provided by the Talluminati.

"Hello? 9-1-1? We've … uh … we've got a kebab situation here."

Based on the growth charts, I'm in line for the presidency in …