Boy Howdy

The really terrifying part of this story is that, unless this was an innertube slide, it doesn't sound like standing up caused the injury, just determined the location.

First ceiling fans, now this? Why does the world hate us tall people so much?

You'll get Justin Timberlake as Larry Underwood and like it, mister.

White background, "STANNIS" in bold black letters. Melisandre advised him to incorporate some red, but he thought it looked too flashy.

The review is delivered by hand via Frankie's carpool.

That threw me at first but I think it meant that, at that particular point in the episode, it looked like he was going to be a one-off character.

Most things in there don't react too kindly to bullet( vibrator)s …most.

I agree about the cost, but would absolutely pay extra for backwards compatibility. Preferably integrated, but some sort of modular addon/dongle would be fine, too. There's enough common hardware components (the disc drive, the various ports, etc.) that you could knock a little bit off the price of a modular addon

"And so in conclusion, your honor, this trademark should be upheld because Saga does what pretend-don't."

I don't disagree with either of your points. I think there's two reasons to cast someone whose race/gender differs from the source material:

Counterpoint: The idea of Terry Crews as The Thing makes me so very happy.

[spins to keep @groganz:disqus in front]

You laugh now, but wait until you get posthumously charged with intent to build a bomb.

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For Highlights, actually. "Goofus and Gallant" has gotten pretty racy.

On the bright side, our avatars are officially vintage now. I can only assume this means they'll be worth a lot in a few years.

Racist Cookie Monster HBO Decency Ombudsman, fighting to tamp down the rampant HBO nudity in response to complaints from elderly viewers.

"Today … I consider myself … the luckiest man … on the back of the head of the Earth."

You really don't want to sit in the splash zone.