Boy Howdy

It's not malice on the part of Disqus, you're just playing the browser version of Rogue Legacy.

It's in a GPS-connected secret hatch that'll pop open when the boat is in the middle of the Pacific.


It wasn't anything like that in this particular episode. It was one of the characters telling a tall tale which was a parody of kung fu movies. The main characters in the tall tale were meant to be stereotypical character types from kung fu movies, and played by three of the other cast members, all white.

On the other hand, if it was just Ted hanging out doing calligraphy in a kimono, it would have been virtually indistinguishable from normal Ted.

[shoots @wilderhair:disqus 's above-ground pool]

It'll be a 48-minute jam band cover of the theme song.

Long johns?

If you move to Denver, you can feel catered-to whenever you read the cooking instructions on food packages.

Her police escort was Sgt. Peanut Butter.

17% of spy-related hugs end with a body falling away to reveal a bloodstained knife.

Keri Russell wig ranking > Keri Russell hair drama.

I slept through the deboarding in New Mexico and the plane went on to Detroit instead.


It's too big to fit on any one person, so it's split up over the entire cast, forcing awkward naked cuddling when they need to view portions of the map near a person break.

Especially if she ever catches that chicken.

Even the smoke coming out of the building after the explosion looked great.

The interjection made that line even better.

Turns out all that security wasn't there to keep people out.