
Agree with nearly all of this - thanks Gwen! But I just can't agree about Emma's DO. That storyline was some of the worst storytelling I've ever seen on TV. Such a bad idea, so poorly executed. Looking back I still can't believe I watched all of S5. Well ya know, except for "The Bear King". Actually turned the TV off

Wow, agree to disagree. Hook & Emma may not have had great chemistry, but to suggest that Regina & Emma did seems just as bad. I'm shocked Emma didn't suffer an eye injury, what with all of the eye rolling she tossed at Regina!

Yeah they showed that Arthur was pathetically desperate to be a king, have a realm to rule. Actually, that little sliver of the Camelot arc surprised me with its completely imaginative take on the classic. I thought it was terrific! So desperate for a kingdom, he created a diamond out of a clump of mud, made of smoke

Blimey! You're right. Huh. No idea on that. But then, didn't Hook say at one point that Pan let him leave & return a couple of times? I may be pulling this out of my ear. The show has screwed around with their own timelines so much I can't keep track anymore. Honestly, I have no idea what's going on anymore.

Oh yeah, you're right about Regina, but she was prepared to leave him there, until Emma convinced her otherwise. (Despite the mantle of savior, Emma's not especially good at helping people.)

Oh yeah, I think I remember this. Wasn't everyone not caught up in the curse but stayed in the EF also caught up in some type of perimeter they couldn't move beyond? Oh it's right on the edge of my memory. Remember Hook was working with Cora? And they were trying to do something, but complained that they'd been stuck

Hi Roselynn! Not trying to make trouble, promise! But as a point of clarification, first billed has little to do with who the main character is in a tv show. Most times, if not alphabetical, the first billed is generally the most well known at the time of the premiere episode. At least that's how it normally happens.

Cutting the cast I can get behind. But instead of cutting from the main cast they might consider cutting the dozens of guest characters they continue to parade into this show. And then insist on keeping them around too long. I used to love Snow & Charming, but the show seems to have trouble finding a place for them

Oh y'all, this show…..Please indulge me a small rant. So now they even have celebrations without the sleeping partner? Why didn't they do the champagne toast to Emma defeating Gideon back at the loft? Newsflash - You can celebrate, you're not going to wake her up. She's asleep, I get it. But this was an important

Don't do it. Seriously, save yourself. You're one of the lucky ones, you got out. Keep going & don't turn back. :)

This is wonderful - thanks! And it would bring a little dignified ending to a once great show. Great idea!

Yes to all! This is fantastic - thank you!

Agreed. I kinda liked this show too. (Refreshing, at least for me!) Yeah, it got Regina back on track to her happy ending maybe. I don't think Emma was ever off the "Savior-track", but I think this show maybe helped her realize she has some control over her own fate.

Yeah that sounds right. But I guess what really chafes is that they've set up the villains so that a majority of the time ONLY Regina and/or Emma can do anything. The show has completely snuffed out the original concept of the ensemble. And at the core, that's really what I liked about the show.

Oh goodness! Are you catching up on the show? I don't want to spoil anything for you. :)

I dig all of this LeeLee - thanks! One thing though about Dorothy springing the boy from the room? The kid slid a note under the door asking for help. I would've tried to help the kid too.

Oh haha! You know, I was about to reply "of course not, I was just illustrating how ridiculous that entire situation was!" But honestly? With this show, anything is possible. They're making things up that don't even support the world they created, so I wouldn't put anything past them. Also you're right - it would be

Agreed! As I previously said, I understand why Emma did what she did in that moment. I guess what I mean is, after all of the dust settled the situation revealed that her actions were unnecessary- Cruella was harmless. In the end, once the facts were in, Emma killed Cruella for nothing.

As you said, similar motivations, but lives lived in different times & under different circumstances. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have done what either of them did.

Oh ok, thanks for the clarification! I guess I was remembering the blast coming from Emma & Cruella falling back. Must've flipped it in my head that Emma had a gun. But no see, the situation really didn't justify Emma's action; this is how her story mirrors that of her parents. The situation was benign, Cruella was