
Oh ok, right on. Haha! I didn't get that right away. Yeah, I saw them as eerily similar. And I felt the show did it intentionally, to bring it full circle. Full circle in the sense that Emma had been judging her parents the entire episode for their actions, she froze them out & wouldn't speak to them. It took the

I'm sorry, what? I re-read my post but I can't see how your post relates. I was referring to the parallels between Emma's actions & those of her parents.

Achieving inner peace on the heels of being repentant? Ok , yeah I get that. Being rewarded with an eternity in heaven after a near lifetime of evil intentions? Nope. That seems to be heavily laden with religious connotations. Do whatever you want, all of the terrible, evil actions you want. So long as you're

It's not said/shown anywhere that Emma would have romantic interludes with the Wish Realm Hook. You're correct, they're definitely going to meet. But in the EW interview I referenced in another post here, Kitsis states that something special will happen. (I'll not say more because I don't want to spoil anything for

Agree with you wholeheartedly about Parilla - she truly is a delight to watch, in all incarnations!

this is awesome! thank you

Oh haha I couldn't disagree more. Actually, the less Emma there is the more I enjoy an episode! I feel the show is at it's worst when an episode centers around Emma. I do understand, reluctantly, that she is the star, so most episodes do center around her. Still don't like it. And I never did buy the friendship

Really. Haha! All I can do at this point is pray that we get the word that the show won't be picked up for a 7th season. Then we can just grimly ride out the final episodes, finally able to see the light at the end of this very weird tunnel.

Yeah, good question. I read an EW interview with Kitsis & Horowitcz stating that the "Wish Realm" is a place unto itself. Apparently, the portal did close & the ladies are stuck there, at least for a bit for 6B.

Ooooooooh, that's interesting! So true - everything should have been affected by the wish. Storybrooke should've been blinked out of it's "existence".

I thought Regina maybe should've wished for the sword? Ya know, priorities. Get the sword, hand it over to Charming or Killian, have them dispose of the EQ & then worry about Emma. But then these days, we'd be hard pressed to get an episode where Emma doesn't need to be saved……..

This makes sense. Of course, somewhere around S3 or S4 they developed the series ending. With the way things have been going, it doesn't follow that they had the ending when they started. (If they did, they're super terrible at their jobs.)
While I don't feel they've earned a sense of smugness (they've made so many

I always figured the "story" ideas were a bowl of cold, cooked noodles. each week they'd throw a handful at the wall. Whatever stuck, that's what they went with. No matter if it makes sense or not. Haha!

Oh holey hell. Not sure what to make of Sunday's episode. I love Rumple. I've said it before - Carlyle is a rock star.

You hit the nail on the head! Amnesia for convenience?! TPTB ask us & all of the characters to forget a lot, forgive & forget.

That's what I thought, but in this show they've only ever been used by Emma. It's where she stores the memories, remember? I hate when they do something like that & then never explain.

Hey - I was talking with someone else about this ep (last week's ep) just yesterday & a question was raised about something I almost missed. Thought I'd ask you. When Emma & Charming went into the interrogation room to speak with Jasmine, Emma was carrying a dream catcher. It was never addressed by anyone in the room

YES! The Aladdin/Jasmine story feels like filler. Lame. And confusing - didn't Jasmine initially say she needed Aladdin's help because Agrabah was in trouble? But last night she said it was gone. Huh?! Just void. Their story line is void all the way around. So odd. And it's a shame really; this story seemed to have

Friggin' fantastic!

Oh goodness, I'm not even sure what the h@ll that episode was last night. First thing's first: Henry needs a babysitter? Isn't he something like 14 YO now? I'm pretty sure if he's old enough to have a girlfriend he doesn't need a babysitter.