
Well yes & no. For me, I don't really mind that they transitioned the "savior" from curse-breaker to full-blown savior, except since breaking the curse it's been in title only. Her actions since then have not supported her having said title. And that's the root of the problem for me - as a single, contained entity

Now those are some interesting questions! And I would put absolutely nothing past this show. But we're wading into thesis questions now……fantastic!

Maybe because they did without getting a happy ending? Is that the big deal? It's a weird scene for sure.

Huh. Not sure I agree completely that the shears are a true Chekov's gun. If for no other reason then they've already established the power the shears hold. The shears are a powerful weapon.

Oh ha ha - of course! Whatever works, yeah? Seems legit.

This is great - thanks! I used to like Emma & Killian together. Not so much anymore. Just no longer invested in the characters as a couple. They've dragged it out too long I guess. Agree that the characters never learn. And the worst offender is Emma. I've never seen another character so obstinate to listen and learn

Weird too. Emma had to explain about movies, but Jasmine knew what a superpower was? That's good comedy right there!

Aladdin sounded cockney to me. So what is that? Northeast London?

Agree 100%! But we're doomed. This season is them re-vamping the show. This was their big idea for this season, back to a more S1 feeling or something like that. I think maybe they were just trying to draw back some viewers that have dropped the show, with promises of the "good 'ole days". Maybe not epic, but so far?

I don't think it works that way. Doesn't seem like Jekyll ever knew what Hyde was up to. No tingles or anything. Probably the same for Regina. The really weird part is Emma. How did she not know with, ya know, her "super power"?

Yes!!!! The Cave of Wonders scene was the beanstalk. And Aladdin returning on the flying carpet was Hook returning with the magic bean to get everyone to Neverland. Near mirror scenes. I can't believe this is what these writers do for a living……

I got the impression that, much like the Dark One (they're each other's opposites ya know), there have been many Saviors throughout history but probably there's only supposed to be one at a time.

They didn't, not really. They did an ok job. But honestly, they may simply be victims of their circumstances <cough> <bad writing="">. Don't do it. You'll regret it immediately.

A thousand upvotes. This is awesome - thanks!

Hey! How did the magic-locator potion even work? We learned that Aladdin had severed himself from the Savior. It shouldn't have worked. Right?


Haha sorry starkitty! Then I did get it. I knew Snow was teaching a lesson, but it seemed so bizarre that I thought maybe something else was afoot. Along with slowing down and acquiring an editor I've always thought it prudent for them to have a show historian on the payroll. They forget ALOT of the story they've

Yeah I thought as much…..Agree with francinehibiscus. They're taking liberties with stories like Jekyll & Hyde, Frankenstein, etc. but pilfering characters from American classic novels? This is what these people do for a living - can't they do better? I expect there's an arsenal of characters from Anderson & the

Meanwhile, who the hell was the kid in Snow's classroom wearing the straw hat?

So weird…….Is this? I thought I saw the same exact post after last week's episode. Huh.