
Can you help me then? What were they trying to do?

Oh definitely pointless. But I'm glad they didn't show Hook moving into his own house. I would've rather seen more Jekyll & Hyde, like maybe showing us how they were physically ripped apart into two physical beings. I'm thinking it might lend some information regarding Rumple's statement to Regina, about how to

It's Jekyll & Hyde. It's a given that the story's going to be convoluted. Haha! Two personalities struggling in one body to be in charge, coming & going? It's always a potential fiasco. And of course the basis of their story centered around a love interest. This concept in one of the things OUAT hasn't screwed up.

Hi Gwen! So nice to have you back!
Not sure about Regina's hair, but I dug Rumple's cut. It's sleek. Had to be done for Trainspotting 2, and I thought (shockingly) the show did a good job incorporating it into the story.

Oh haha! When did I miss it? How do we know they have a "'full' relationship"? I actually disagree with your assessment. Not to get too narrow on this point, but the fact they were interupted may indicate a larger force at work, pulling them apart/keeping them apart. They never seem to get any quiet moments together.

Henry has the "heart of the truest believer", or something like that. Maybe it's easier for him to suspend reality better than most? I mean, the kid's old enough to drive & he's still making up "Operation" names?! That's a little sad. And weird.

Oh goodness, we're going to have to agree to disagree. I'll start at the end & work back. I fully understand that Emma isn't the only character on OUAT. And while I wholeheartedly wish it was anybody but her, TPTB have opted to make her the lead. (Just because I hate saying it doesn't make it less true.) They make

Oh Kura how I dig your enthusiasm! But we're on two different pages. I would concede that her lying is simply a detail. Except that it's not. The show has turned it into a large portion of, man this is sad, every problem & bad guy the town has to face. This & them building on her unabashed inability to retain

Wait, what? What is the plot then? I totally get that the writers are shaping Emma in a certain way, honest I get that. What I'm saying is I don't understand why. To what end? Because the character's entertainment value, for me, has nearly evaporated. Her numerous & consistent lying & the thick-headedness regarding

Yup! We wait. Hopefully it's a good season. (I can't even keep a straight face when I typed that. Haha!)

Oh I didn't mean to sound bitter. I probably am, but not in this context; I'm simply curious. I will wait to see what happens. Currently I am just discussing what was put forth in the episode. All things being equal, if what Jafar said is truly & ernestly applied across all saviors, past, present & future, then I

Yeah, they keep doing the same thing with Rumple - he fights to be good for Belle (and now a baby), he can't resist the siren's call of the darkness & he's right back to his old tricks, with someone (probably Emma) standing in his shop threatening to tell Belle if he doesn't help to defeat the bad guy du jour.

One thing that bothered me about the premiere were all the things Jafar was spouting about "the Savior". Can't speak for Aladdin, but almost none of them apply to Emma. Seriously, aside from serving as savior in S1 and taking on the darkness in S5 what saving has she actually done? Jafar made it seem as though

You're right, you're right…….I know you're right. Oh but resignation can be such an ugly word. It's true the salad days for OUAT are in the rear view mirror. Yet I can't quite put my finger on why I persist, why I won't yield. It's interesting too - I was able to give up on Lost so easily, walked away without a single

Get outta my head Tripp. This is AWESOME. Thank you!

Me too, me too. I don't even really like the show anymore, but I'm looking for my payday. We've put so much time in on a show that started out so great. Maybe I watch out of habit, maybe I'm looking for that glimmer of greatness again.

Amen. Six seasons in & she's the only charcter that's seen nearly zero growth. All of the other characters around her are changing & growing, in one way or another, but not Emma. Not only does she continue to keep secrets from everyone, but she keeps making the same mistakes over and over and over again.

Oh man, of course it is. Glad someone else sees this. The way they've written this show it really couldn't be anyone else. So, so predictable.

"I don’t mean to sound so bitter: I’m not mad, just disappointed. I was looking forward to Once coming back, because for all its craziness, it has the possibility of being enjoyable," Amen Gwen, amen.

Agree with you on this - she acted on instinct, a mother's instinct to protect her child. But it wasn't an accident.